SourceLess Founder POv
Alexandru Stratulat
Blockchain Founder @ SourceLess | Hybrid Blockchain Architecture, Web3 Native
SourceLess Bockchain & Ecosystem
Solutions , problems with Ccoin Network
Alex Stratulat - System architect & Dev.
Fresh start of the internet , you can register any ideea you want . (as domain name )it's a fresh new mapping domain names : and you're the owner : after sign up of course and after you register on
Have a great day ! :) All readers !
Safety measures for bad intended persons / members , as we just provide value , we are not KYC , not for safety reasons , but any of you , will use KYC when you want to trade and do anything in the real world , but for now we will be online .com only oriented company so untill going back to the real world , we are adults we can together "keep us safe" ! Let's go back with our short notice about the fraud / anytype of scams : as for now we cannot guarantee for the integrity of our members .
All referrals must have a tag with you . As this is personal referral not company or other .
They should at least make a share with one of our article .
This are normal things we can do togheter so the group/pages/source-less , ccoin network and all our work to provide value , by increasing members that sign up on SourceLess we are in the high rolers as we need to have at least 100 000 username or address , we will start the campaign for the 30000 members on
Hope to get as much addresses it's possible , but we will have it done and ready to go further when we hit 100 000 public names on - and also on the reservation form , it looks simple and strange , but it will help us to have a start brick for our information network that will be on the blockchain , so we will be resting on 100 000 nodes more or less , we depends also on the hosting- piece of software wich i am trying to get done , in the matter of days i hope , the solution will provide easy gains to all our members / at that point owners that will lend /rent they re hosting space , and be instantly payed at the end of each 24 hours i suppose , but it's not yet done ,as its important to have larger database support also and there are still some issues i have but i will work on them and for sure solve it , the prototype i ve done it for smaller personal web , with videos , like 1 gb quantity so the uploading , downloading speed its amazing like 10 times better in bad conditions on a small home network , so with updates i think we will grow as a solution , with the worlds top speed upgrade , one of the problem solved :) ; , actually i know it 's a little olded version of dolphin and so on , but we will upgrade it to be friendly and much more interesting than actual ones . But if anyone want we can start a voting also for the integration of facebook , instagram , linked in , whatever social media you want to have it on one place , that is not a problem , we are not telling anyone to quit or do anything wrong as etical way . But i am telling you something !
Please don't create new facebook and add them , as we will check , any facebook user that will subscribe must have at least 3 months old account . Or other type of social media accounts anyone that it s younger than 3 months will be rejected and if there will be 3 mistakes the user will have ban , because we need to keep us safe untill we will be in BETA SBS .
If anyone that keep airdroping different stuff in there , they even don t know what they need to know about the crypto or blockchain they are marketing , then we can instantly grow , and each one of the people behind the computer can have a piece of the company , now it 's free , and will be free untill some companies will act to purchase some fresh piece of the internet , actually let's think a second , If i told you hey this will take over the www , because it's faster , better , cheaper , instantly and just browsing and posting whatever stuff on the internet will bring you cash - actually it doesn 't matter if your are browsing , because the system auto adapt to your device , where you can lend your space , unused space in the phone , tablet , computer , it will work also on old computer , just to be connected to interbet for now , as we go and grow as fully maturity we will work on independendent network solution (actually there are some on the market already and growing ) We keep working to bring us up and running , and yes there are late stuff , there are a lot of people just wanting to exchange some ccos because there were free , but don t hurry up . you need to have all active accounts , there are few thousands members that did purchase at least 1 cco , there are transaction bigger almost to the limit , the top limit of the purchasing amount ! But keep up guys and purchase , as we will IEO Public sale in 15 november , we hope to have untill then all the addresses given , and the rest will be 1 ccos/ address need to have 1 ccos purchased . It 's a strange way to ask for money , i hate discussing about money , but the things are running by money , my last 2 team members that they re gone , they were thinking it' too much work and that , i , alex i am crazy with what i want to build , with minimum resources , mainly done by myself (Working since 2016 on this ecosystem , design logical software and also On the Blokchain , that i want to be special , i think it can be the best on the market i still hope so , as speed , security , building new business model , with some major features integrated on the final version of it . So Ccoin Network doesn't have so much marketing done for it , but it has a real soul , My Soul , and also ARES AI - logical brain behind the platform development on long term .
But for now we can grow and have a little value , as we will need also you to work with us ! NO we are not money - renting people , we can give only ccoin network cryptocurrency token , as we will be shortly on at least 1 public exchanger , also we will send some liquidity for the decentralised exchanges as 1Inch , and so on , you know , if not hit a search and you will have also more info that will make few steps to better understand how crypto works , now i just want to provide a different better view , as I Alexandru Stratulat , as the architect and the founder of this new - better and easier to use ,system , that will have real zero fee's on all transaction made under our SBS Network . That it's the purpose , the real solution to the real money / cryptocurrency , and no it will not crash as economy works today , because the system , OUr Ai ARES software will do the math behind it , it's not perfect , but it's learning for a lifetime .Maybe provide the real math for us , and will bring value per longterm , anyway , all that i am trying to make , it s the best of the Blockchain tech that exist now , and also the encryption system it 's not a short term as 512 kb , i am redesigning it , to have a major RNG that it's gien by god , there are not best words , but in any encryption systems that works similar with the Blockchain Technology there are some random equation , that provide us with a math form of calculation , but i am trying to have a bigger way of decentralising also the old way and standard security standards , in a later version , now i am not in the possibility to work and have it done , anyway what i can tell you , it 's that earthquake with the latitude , longitude , as coordinates , will take also the data from different active networks , i am not sure , quite yet , maybe we will use some satellite information , or we can launch later also ours , it depends on the funds we will raise from the people . Yes form the people not from Other Funding companies that will want equity for some control of the way things will go ! So let's get back to what i mean with this !
And i mean it . Everyone talks about #crypto,#blockchain , #decentralisation , no middle man/company or intermediary .
They all speak about free of financial systems , transfers , free circulation of the money , no fees* for using they're systems/money fintech company and so on , but please take a look on other corporation website *google and search any financial ecosystem with a crypto included , or blockchain project , and you will see reality behind all of that .
They are not uncommisioned systems . They are not people - friendly . As they " marketing " us
Few years ago , let's think a little , few years let's way 6 , 7 , 5 it doesn't matter , after bitcoin hit us all with a new money type , instantly when i heard about BTC , i was dealing with a few years before with some ebullion , similar technology , but applied different , with some changes behind the encryption and the way the things are handled , but let's be honest , BTC was created by some entity , human , or group or you name it , for value , for changing things with the value - like an electronic check , with no posibilities to be cracked , as it grows become stronger , but what it s hapening with all the BTC after the full saturation on the market , every day new better crypto appears , it doesn't matter if it 's ccos , or source coin , or it really doesn t matter , it was an example , what's happening , why we are keeping going after projects that are nonsense or the media present On PR packages , and the crowd believe in that news , or press release or articles written by people , journalist that will take whatever you give them . A bunch of guys that were very interested in purchasing a piece of the entire company , ffrom 5 % to 49% and to bring other big investor , because this way things go , in this rought market wich is crypto world , as in 2016 , the market was easy on working , launching , selling , if the project was plausible and the team was strong , advisor , some fund behind a crypto here you go , this crypto it's strong , those were the projects that today(there are lots anyway , take care when investing , never invest in one , and go low , not for the cheapest , anyone will not give you the cheapest with a lot of crypto premined ) they are all in strong in marketing , there are allover the place images with them working , going to summits , influencers go and sold they're crypto currency , i am sure that any of that models of business are "crash ready" since the design of the cryptocurrency , as there are almost all of them do something with money , give us money we transfer , do something with the value that you need to purchase ,i am doing same thing , you will say , alex is doing some transfer and cheaper bills and so on ... , that's right , but i am doing it as it suppose to be .zero fees ,in transfers , zero kyc , because people will do kyc , i am just a blockchain with a cryptocurrency that all was given to the members , so guys , come on , airdrops , i am doing a new thing , i think i didn t search to much , because i think it s correct movement , to do what its suppose to do . make it free for use , give it to the people ! and Yes i am preparing IEO with shares atached , for this reason we are a liitle late , as we actuallys hould be in public sale , but now we are sorry but i think it ;s understandable ! .
Few years ago , 3 years and something , I was discussing with a lawyer , wich propose me to give me some money , purchasing a few thousand ccos , but the transaction was only between me and him , i did explain that he need to come with much more value , because at that time , it was only a project , but on the next steps from 0.78 estimated then , some crypto - audit give us a 9.30 something value per ccos / also per share (it 's a double value that we will introduce , as fully gestionated by you , as an user and owner , i need to start discussing with you as owners not users , now you're users , but on the blockchain you ll be instantly owners ), so let 's get back at my story , after that on a difficult part of my personal life , he come and told me , Alex let ;s sell your crypto to an Nederland Company , with an amount 15 times bigger than he purchased for me , the token on that day , after this i never see him , but one of this days i will go and see what was the point , to ask me to sell it then ,, because as i told you , for me it ;s important the project , name everything , someone told me to make a rebranding , maybe we will take it , but this decission must be made by the users that purchased ccos , not by me , this poll vote it's very important , as the main Blockchain will be SOurceLess Blochchain , and this is a name that i want to keep , but the platform can be renamed , it s not important for e , as it is for you as future owners . so please go ahead , i am repaeting this , lower , because i read again , and there are so much things to discuss , sorry but , i am a little tired , as now it s almost 7 in the morning , i did have a bad night , i didn t sleep , as i am cold and i need to explain in writing and next week i will try to video meet you guys , the members that keep working and asking with me !
For this reason i am keep working , even if sometimes it s a little hard , and a lot of the new recruited guys , they come and leave , as tehy were thinking , they come and sleep and then the value will come , planning , drinking beers or juices , or coffes , and the rest will money do , it's not quite like that , i am thinking different than those kind of work and no worry the paycheck it s coming , so there are still low on our team , we actually really need an web developer , because the last thing i need to do , it s make it fresh because it s our image , i know , but i am fully booked for the blockchain and iit's a huge amount of work , and i need also to check and read a lot of info , because it;s not similar with something , and i am a very good programmer , but i am not a magician , so if anyone of the readers /members want , we are still recruiting , but i am a little difficult as a person , because i ask to have what it's best in each one of us ! for this reason now we are still the same that start to work with .
I will try to video call you and present our team . And why not answer some of your questions , i hope on the next weekend , we will live talk !
O k , there are nice projects than bring a lot of new technology for a better world , they are creating value , both : technical and financial
, but don' t forget that all brilliant and good projects keep following the classic way : funding from classic money *way ; accelerators , incubators , angel investor wich search only one thing : a beautifull % investment +return amount - better for the investor , not as we promise to do it when i think all of us , the founders , creators or dreamer that keep working to get they re dream software working , and make the difference , be the good side of the humanity ! Sorry but i did have some discussion with different accelerators , that already approved and they ask me to go and make some business meeting , some scholarship , and some offers from they re clients also . It's allright we all need to sell ,to grow , but why are you telling me here it's a 14000 usd scholarship and 400 000 usd in credit for a list of some big name company , as Amazon to keep my files , to keep all what i build on they re servers , let's be honest , there on the market there are a lot of copying , from the Facebook itself , as the idea , let's see the documentary , Mark Zuckenberg did build , but the idea it was on those 2 colegues , as i know it was very similar with the movie .
Ok and now i tell you about some big companies that want to take over a company , and have they re prices , have some expenses very high because there are as i know 7 controllers persons for the internet as we know it ! DId you choose one of them , now it ;s not democratic anymore ? Let 's be honest , there are many STRANGE THINGS HAPPENING AND THE TECHNOLOGY COULD BE BETTER AND FASTER AND CHEAPER AND A LOT OF GOOD WAYS OF DEALING THINGS , WITH BLOCKCHAIN . AND NOT ONLY THERE ARE A LOT OF FASTER AND CHEAPER HOSTING SPACE , BUT I WILL DISCUSS LATER ABOUT THIS !
So the project - make a u turn , and what was a member oriented company - transform into a big whale company/corporation that need big profit . And will do anyting for it : " Nothing personal , Business Decission " - as so many movies script contain it .
SInce '89 no one , i mean no company , or big brain software guy didn't go trought and make a change inn the systems , there are only http old protocols , my software doesn;t want to recognize any other protocol than the one they build in it . BUt actually now i am working and posting to www , source-less it ;s on www . we do everything on www now , with internet as an access way .
I don't want to be hypocrite ( i hope it's a correct word )ipocrit in romanian , to be the one that reinventing the hot water - in romanian it;s like an old expression so i hope you understand the way i try to transmit in words my thinking way . To be back to you , i don t want to be a hypocrite . i am using also www , first data i read and learnd a lot of things on www , even a lot of us will keep using www also , i am not a not www person , i just want to propose a different way of using www , maybe a way of emulating www access to go trought the system in a best way , cheaper way , let 's give value to all of us . this is my dream goal !
Why Source-Less it's different than all other - blockchain ecosystem company : because i will share 100% of the company - for real - in real shares , classic paper printed ;-) , that will create a Real Community Social Blockchain based - platform , with real " web owners " that's right , all of you will have a property - with a "real" " "virtual street " , one crypto - ccos 1 unit and 1 delaware incorporated - type c ( this is 99% we need some legal advisor for a 63 million entities - shares property equal shared - depends only the quantity an individual have - depends on how many addresses he own . ) .
Attention ! ;) shares are sticked - like of the SourceLess Blockchain data container node it's created . Also , maybe between you guys here , that keep reading so much , i am not respecting any marketing rules here , by the way , i am programmer , and i've started working since i was 7, 8 years old , my father took me to some free lesson , on a " old communist solution for creating bright minds " - i miss that anyway , because SourceLess and Ccoin Network will be like Communism 2.0 on web . As a bad cold war between the giants as WWW and other solutions , for browsing , containing data , storing , selling , controlling - and bla bla bla . You know the story , so many of us , founders of next internet , blockchain , crypto are speaking about , some marketing huh ? Anyway , i trust some of you will see the idea behind my-rusty-awfull- english . Sorry but i mostly know only "contract " , function , mine , pre-mine and so on - those words are only some - solidity (ethereum based - programming system/software , personal opinion about ethereum - it rocks , but let me tell you something - i met - Mihai Alisie , romanian guy , Ethereum Co-founder or something like this : marketing head , i don t exactly remembet and with 1 guy from Bucharest , wich was working at the development of the platform , behind the platform anyway , as a progrmmer , sorry but i don t remeber his name , with 1 year or around 1 year instead( i am not sure that i am using the right word - i m sorry again but you understand the essence - real story those guys can confirm it ) of Ethereum first launch ; and i remember that we were like 10 people , at first meeting in Romania , an ex-associate( he doesn t go trought with me , the money are more important than building technology for a better world - reality , not marketing , for some people , but there will be value also , but he quit me , to do classical type business . I was very upseat , as we done some great thing togheter , but that is the life ( more ... movie classic words ) all passes . So he heard about one guy , that he take care - that know mihai alisie from other projects , so they told us . Ok come and work with us , come and prepare for mining and so on , so we can have a fresh start from the beggining . But i was questioning vitalik buterin , what code you are using , it will be gpu mining or asics . What are you using , but they really didn t know at that point , Ethereum it s great because it was at the fresh start , and from a simple idea , with a great architect , vitalik , i think he is not as much as a programmer , more an software architect , an software engineer . As there were a lot of people involved . But the story buterin told on a video , it s that he tryed to get a lot of funds from different investment funds , angel investor and after 99(or similar ) proposal of investment failure he really get support from one , but after so much hits , for this reason i keep trying because there are in life so many examples that need to have in our minds , i am a little different , because i try to solve a problem that it's larger than ethereum had , but i will done it , a small prototype already done , i need to work a little more to put it togheter but i will have it done it untill 01 december 2020 , plus minus few days i hope not more !. But that turned to be the winning one , as the platform still work as he designed it , and it s one of the little business that still do what it s suppose to do , but yet still , the value was shared between the one that fund it ( most of the value , and it s correct , while the way , of the project , it's the one that respect cryptocurrency ideea and blockchain tech , should do .
Give a better life to all members , here i include ,all the features , we have like better management of the money FIAT that you transform into cryptocurrency , movement of the money into the ecosystem , as we are building a micro economy ecosystem , that can be big as value into any way you think , even if you are a simple user of any www , or you just to transfer money to your family , friend , or pay a bill , the payments will be instant under 1 min in Beta , and after the blockchain it s live . Will be really under 1 second credited to the FIAT card , debit first , after credit but this it s a different discussion , as we will upgrade for * real all systems to zero fee's financials .
So , the blockchain as we try to have it in Beta , will have some included (from start builded dapps or let s say smart contracts , as will have ready features , easy to build for medium skilled IT guys , and very easy to learn , as most of the features will be easy to guess , with a form of AI wich will help writing any command into our A.R.e.S AI software . With english and also romanian command center - graphic and code line comm center also .
We talk about Ai because we are trying to work and design to a simple software to use wich anyone can learn to use and create in block apps / smart contracts .
First step anyway it's the Blockchain with the cryptocurrency on it , but with a feature that will construct the system step by step depending by the majority voting , the decission that majority takes will be next step on software auto - self taking care of new upgrade , market statistics and more ... i am doing a small description on what we try to make ready for use on Beta , we hope all with be ready for this stage , on 1 december but there are a lot of problems we need to solve , it's a self sustaining platform based on the Ares AI software , that will be maintained by the actual company that it's incorporated in Romania . Everything will be written in terms and condition as it 's normal to take care of your " once -in-a-life - project " and i will take care that the company could and will be payed as there are salaries , employees and so on . to manage to take care undefinit or definit time as your voting will be , at last you will democratic be the real voters and way of taking decissions , or you can hire some all of you , this kind of decission will the AreS Ai Software keep ask and it will also upgrade software take trends , modifies each one's preferencies about it s mood , or anything will be taken care at fully maturity by the learning AI , we try to do our best , to upgrade everything to have a perfect functional - scalable to infinity , as we already told , personal web , for social platform , and also business web , for all types of websites . Because this is what a Blockchain Technology should bring us all , real functionality , for anybody , now i am keep worrying about the use of the crypto currencies including ours , because , banks keep stand by , even here in Romania , it s risky to have money receive for selling a crypto , some major banks just refuse the transaction , because it s a high risk :)))
The truth its a lot of the smart decission maker banks already are upgrading to the whole new blockchain technology ! IT s faster , cheaper , fiendly and also safest then ever , and the costs are infinitely low for implementation , it s simple . But they still keep that secret , why ?
IT s simple . since your money were sent , let ;s say by Swift , it s a perfect example : Swift already upgraded its systems and now the GPI Systems work by blockchain tech , so the major bank wire external but universal - administrator - Swift Coproration are doing all the transaction by blockchain , not old way , by the fax , and so one , and yet , the transfers are same costs , they have same taxes , even if everything it's cheaper - but reality it s cheaper , but for any bank it's more profit ! They re way of dealing with business !
Anyway there are a lot of mistakes , ignore them please , just take the whole ecosystem on top of the Blockchain that we are building , and for sure it will be nice to work with , all done for project !
( few tech words , i am trying to keep it on low with tech discussion here , but i can answer any question on public tech or crypto value and so on . Shout your question i will answer anytime . Only ccoin network ecosystem , i will share on other social so you can use , alexandru stratulat on linked in , ccoin network on search , by email alex @ or admin @ or any website contact email that we create , in order to share so much information .
Alex STratulat
SourceLess Social Blockchain - some opinions - personal pitch1 :) friendly pitch for members users . for who wants to understand ,i hope better ,
BD at FireStarter and Snowball | Making Web3 connections work
7 个月Alexandru, thanks for sharing!