The source of being a successful & happy (product) person
Manage your (Product) Energy - Episode #17

The source of being a successful & happy (product) person

New Year, New Fortune, New Ideas. This is a good time to reflect on my 28 years in product development. Many topics that have occupied me, I have already processed them in past articles. I would say these insights I have shown are more basic standard "stuff" that one reads repeatedly when embarking on the journey to become a Product Person/Product Manager.

Now, it's time to delve deeper. To bring in more of my own experience.

What if you understand the product toolset, have plenty of experience, and, as Martin Cagan says, have developed "Product Sense"? What distinguishes a successful and happy Product Manager from someone just doing a job that leads closer to burnout every day?

In my opinion, it is the power, the energy that drives one, that flows through one and thus brings movement into the game of life, or as Jan Delay sings in his song "Feuer":

Because the most important thing is

That the fire does not stop burning

Because otherwise, it will be bitterly cold

Yes, the flames in the heart are irreplaceable

So keep them going with all your might (Fire, fire, fire)

A Product Manager is for me the classic middle manager who gets pressure from both the executive board and the business and tech teams. He is always in a sandwich position and can hardly please everyone. Ultimately, he bears the responsibility for the solutions and must fight for the best possible product. To master these pull and push states, he needs a lot of energy and assertiveness.

I want to dedicate myself to this aspect in upcoming articles and show what one can do for oneself to gain and balance this power/energy, both in the profession and in everyday life.

The Energy Pyramid - The Basic Forms of Energy

Let's start with the basics and devote ourselves to the question of what types of (life) energy exist. After spending a lot of time searching for comprehensive specialist literature on this topic, I came across a YouTube video by Flowfinder in my newsfeed that summarizes the key points of my professional/life experience very well: The Energy Pyramid. Credit to the Flowfinders and their very good execution.

Image 1 - The Energy Pyramid - What types of (life) Energy exist?

1. Physical Energy: The Foundation Our body is the vehicle of all our endeavors. Physical energy is the basis that moves our body and keeps it alive. All other energy levels above suffer if we lack sleep, food, or health.

2. Emotional Energy: The Engine of Our Actions How we feel tremendously impacts how we act. A positive emotional state can help us master challenges with ease. Our emotional energy determines the attitude with which we approach tasks.

3. Mental Energy: The Focus that Drives Us Forward In a world full of distractions, the ability to focus on a task is crucial. Mental energy is our ability to direct and maintain our focus. Multitasking is often an obstacle to real productivity.

4. Spiritual Energy: The 'Why' Behind Our Actions This deeper level of energy is our inner drive, our 'why'. It influences all other levels and gives us the motivation and purpose for our actions. Without a strong 'why,' the last crucial component for real achievement is often missing.

The interplay of these energies is remarkable. The pyramid shape of this model has its reasons. Try to go through the individual areas for yourself and ask whether you can assign your energy states to this division. It is hard at the beginning to recognize the differences, but once the "switch has flipped," one can perceive the states very clearly.

The Energy Dynamics - The States of Energy

Image 2 - The Energy Dynamics - What is your current Energy Level?

In addition to the different forms of energy/the energy pyramid, the dynamics of energy are essential for your performance and your sense of life. The ability to switch between states of high energy and low energy with positive emotions is a sign of emotional intelligence and resilience. Those who slip into a negative emotional state will certainly become sick and unhappy in the long run.

In our hectic everyday lives, this ability is becoming increasingly necessary to prevent burnout and sustainably use our resources. We can lead a more fulfilling and productive life by learning to steer our energy and regulate our emotions consciously. I always liked the metaphor of a tree. If a tree is healthy and has strong roots, it can withstand even the fiercest storm because it is flexible and can "stretch" with the wind. It quickly topples over or breaks if it is not rooted and stiff.

An ideal state would be, of course, to be able to switch fluently between the positive high and the positive low as needed. See Image 2 - The Energy Dynamics.

The product manager especially often has to motivate himself intrinsically to defend his strategy and to "fight" for his project. This often very intense exchange costs a lot of strength. Having his personal energy management under control is essential to design a good product.

It is interesting that the concept is not only applicable to individuals but also in a transferred sense to society, organizations, clubs, and even relationships. More on this in one of the next articles.

First Action Items:

  1. Each evening before sleeping, reflect on your day and consider the energy states you experienced in different moments. Being aware of whether you were in a High Positive, Negative, Low Positive, or Low Negative state can aid in better understanding yourself.
  2. Think about how you can quickly transition into positive energy states. What methods do you use to maintain a position on the positive side of the energy dynamic? Do you have habits that assist you in this? What might you be lacking to make this shift?
  3. Observe the people around you. What energy states do you think they are currently experiencing? Eye expressions can reveal a lot about the current state of the person you are interacting with.

Outlook for this new series

In the first step, it was important for me to address the basics of this topic to raise awareness. Many product people I have met in my life have never consciously thought about this meta-structure. Some do it instinctively based on their imprinting/experiences, and with others, you can watch them slide into burnout over the course of their career.

In the following issues in the coming weeks, I will always refer to this energy framework and share practical tips/experiences. From book recommendations to the perfect PC/Mac setup to biohacking health tips. There is something for everyone here.

As mentioned at the beginning, for me, this topic of "energy management" is the missing link in many Product Management guidelines/books, etc.

In this sense: Power is nothing without control.

Until the next issue, please contact me via private message if you have any questions.

Best regards,


If you're looking to join an awesome Digital Product Team, reach out to me. We're always seeking talented individuals. #conrad #allpartsofsuccess

Valuable Resources

In this section, I want to share some valuable resources that help me master my energy management. Everyone is unique and responds differently to various stimuli. For instance, music is a way for me to shift into a different state quickly. Binaural beats, in particular, are a real boon for achieving a positive energy state. They work best when you use headphones.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are an auditory phenomenon that occurs when two tones with slightly different frequencies are played separately into each ear. The brain processes the difference between these frequencies as a third tone, known as the binaural beat. It is believed that binaural beats can influence brainwave patterns to promote relaxation, focus, or other mental states, although the scientific evidence for this is mixed.

Brilliant Binaural Beats for a Positive, Relaxed State. (State: Low Positive)

Just a brief digression about the previous track:

The Schumann Resonance - 7.83 Hz - (named after the German physicist and electrical engineer Winfried Otto Schumann) refers to the phenomenon where electromagnetic waves of certain frequencies form standing waves along the circumference of the Earth. (Source: Wikipedia). This frequency is often credited with having a very healing and balancing effect. The sound is very relaxing and often played in the evenings to help me fall asleep or even in the background at work when I'm deeply focused.

Binaural Beats for Positive Focus/Flow (State: High Positive)


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