The source of all evil, a “Smear China” farce, Volt Typhoon, and “close neighbors are better than distant relatives”

The source of all evil, a “Smear China” farce, Volt Typhoon, and “close neighbors are better than distant relatives”

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 俾路支解放军? [bǐ lù zhī jiě fàng jūn]? Balochistan Liberation Army:?

Today’s quote:


The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), also named East Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), has plotted and carried out a number of violent terrorist attacks both inside and outside China. It was designated by China in accordance with the law and listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization. It was also listed by the Turkish government as a terrorist organization. In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 据报道,5日,巴基斯坦信德省政府和巴基斯坦反恐部门在卡拉奇召开新闻发布会称,卡拉奇大学孔子学院恐袭案一名关键嫌疑人已落网归案。“俾路支解放阵线”“俾路支解放军”等多个恐怖主义团体正加强勾连,背后或存在外国势力的推波助澜。?

It is reported that on July 5, officials of Sindh Province of Pakistan and the Pakistani counter-terrorism department said at a press conference in Karachi that a key suspect linked to the terrorist attack at the Confucius Institute of the University of Karachi has been arrested. Terrorist groups including the Balochistan Liberation Front and the Balochistan Liberation Army are operating more closely with each other and foreign forces are suspected of manipulating behind the scenes.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 6, 2022)?

?? 日前,巴基斯坦发生恐怖袭击,导致三名中国公民遇难,一人受伤。事后,所谓的“俾路支解放军”声称对袭击负责,并说如果中国不停止在巴项目,会进行更多的袭击。?

Three Chinese citizens were killed and one injured in the terrorist attack in Pakistan. The so-called Balochistan Liberation Army later claimed responsibility for the attack, threatening China with more attacks unless China halts its projects in Pakistan.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 28, 2022)

  • 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰党? [dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán dǎng]? East Turkistan Islamic Party (see also Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, ETIM 東伊運 dōng yī yùn):?

Today’s quote:


The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), also named East Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), has plotted and carried out a number of violent terrorist attacks both inside and outside China. It was designated by China in accordance with the law and listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization. It was also listed by the Turkish government as a terrorist organization. In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 东伊运? [dōng yī yùn]? Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, ETIM? (shortened form of 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动 dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán yùn dòng)? “东伊运”(ETIM)又名“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰党”、“突厥斯坦伊斯兰党”(TIP),该组织在中国境内外策划实施了一系列暴力恐怖案件,是中国依法认定、联合国安理会列名的恐怖组织,也是土耳其政府列名的恐怖组织。近年来,“东伊运”与“伊斯兰国”“基地”“俾路支解放军”等国际和地区恐怖分离势力加大勾连,持续策划对中国海外目标施袭,在有关国家和地区大肆参与实施恐怖活动,不仅严重威胁中国海外利益安全,也严重危害有关国家和地区的安全稳定。?

The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), also named East Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), has plotted and carried out a number of violent terrorist attacks both inside and outside China. It was designated by China in accordance with the law and listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization. It was also listed by the Turkish government as a terrorist organization. In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? “东伊运”是被联合国安理会列名的恐怖组织。近年来,大量“东伊运”分子流窜至战乱地区,同国际恐怖势力沆瀣一气,实施了大量暴力恐怖活动,对有关国家和地区的安全稳定构成严重危害。打击“东伊运”是国际反恐斗争的重要组成部分。中方愿同包括叙利亚在内的有关国家加强沟通协调,共同打击“东伊运”恐怖势力,维护地区和世界和平与安全。?

The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is a UN listed terrorist organization. In recent years, a large number of ETIM elements have fled to war-ridden areas and connived with other terrorist forces to carry out violent terrorist activities, which pose serious danger to the security and stability of relevant countries and regions. Combating ETIM is an important part of the global counter-terrorism efforts. China stands ready to step up communication and coordination with Syria and other relevant countries and make joint efforts to combat the terrorist force ETIM so as to safeguard the peace and security of relevant regions and the world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 13, 2023)?

?? 三方同意,加强安全、打击有组织犯罪、毒品走私等方面协调与合作。强调有必要不允许包括“巴塔”“东伊运”等在内的任何个人、团体和政党利用本国领土损害和威胁地区安全与利益,从事恐怖主义行为和活动。三方强调不能干涉阿富汗内部事务,要推进阿富汗和平、稳定与重建。?

The three sides [at the fifth China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue, May 2023] agreed to coordinate and cooperate on security, organized crimes, drugs smuggling, etc. They stressed on the need of not allowing any individual, group or party, including the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), to use their territories to harm and threaten regional security and interests, or conduct terrorist actions and activities. All three sides underscored the need to refrain from intervening into internal affairs of Afghanistan, and to promote Afghan peace, stability and reconstruction.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2023)?

?? 关于阿富汗塔利班和“东伊运”关系的问题,我想你应该去问阿富汗塔利班。根据中方同阿塔沟通的情况,其多次表示,绝对不会允许阿富汗领土被任何恐怖组织利用来攻击包括中国在内的任何国家,我们希望阿富汗方面切实履行这一承诺。?

Regarding the relationship between the Afghan Taliban and ETIM, I think you need to raise your question to the Afghan Taliban. Judging from China’s communication with the Afghan Taliban, the Afghan Taliban has said repeatedly that it will not allow Afghanistan’s territory to be used by any terrorist organizations to attack China or any other country. We hope the Afghan side can earnestly fulfill this commitment.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 22, 2022)?

?? 面对复杂多变的地区安全形势,我们要坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,严厉打击“东伊运”等“三股势力”,深化禁毒、边防、大型活动安保合作,尽快完善本组织安全合作机制,推进落实反极端主义公约等法律文件,加强各国主管部门维稳处突能力建设。?

Faced with complex and fluid security dynamics in the region, we need to pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and take tough actions against terrorism, separatism and extremism, including the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. We need to strengthen cooperation on counter-narcotics, border control and security for major events, and speedily improve the SCO’s security cooperation mechanism. We need to further implement the Convention on Countering Extremism and other legal instruments, and enhance the capacity of competent authorities of SCO countries to maintain stability and respond to emergencies.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 21st Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization_ 习近平在上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十一次会议上的讲话 202109_17)

  • 方程式? [fāng chéng shì]? Equation (group):?


The US has established a large cyber arsenal, which includes typical weapons like the “PRISM” program disclosed by Edward Snowden, the Project “CAMBERDADA” by the US media, the Equation group by the Shadow Brokers, and Vault 7 by WikiLeaks. These cyber weapons put the critical global infrastructure and people’s life and production in all countries in jeopardy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 伏特台风? [fú tè tái fēng]? Volt Typhoon:?


On February 7 [2024], cybersecurity-related agencies from the Five Eyes alliance jointly released a cybersecurity advisory, warning that the PRC state-sponsored cyber group known as Volt Typhoon crept into multiple critical infrastructure organizations in the US and China pre-positioned themselves on IT networks for disruptive cyberattacks.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 勾连? [gōu lián]? collude; collusion:?

Today’s quote:


In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 当前台海和平稳定的最大威胁,是民进党当局顽固坚持“台独”分裂立场,勾连外部势力谋“独”挑衅。?

The DPP authorities still cling to the separatist pursuit of “Taiwan independence” and seek foreign support in achieving that agenda and making provocative moves—this is the biggest threat facing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 10, 2023)?

?? 中国人民解放军近日位台岛周边组织海空联合实兵演训,就是对“台独”分裂势力与外部势力勾连挑衅的警示震慑,是捍卫国家主权和领土完整的必要之举。?

The PLA Eastern Theatre Command recently held joint naval and air exercises around Taiwan Island. It is a warning and deterrence against the collusion between the "Taiwan Independence" separatist forces and external forces. It is a necessary measure to safeguard China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on August 31, 2023)?

?? 我们愿以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一前景。但如果民进党当局执迷不悟,勾连外部势力不断进行谋“独”挑衅,一味推高两岸对立对抗,甚至不惜将台湾同胞置于危难境地,中国人民解放军将以行动说话,采取必要措施坚决挫败任何“台独”分裂行径和外部势力干涉,坚定维护中华民族根本利益和两岸同胞切身利益。?

We will strive for a peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and utmost effort. This being said, if the Democratic Progressive Party authorities insists on going down the wrong path of colluding with foreign forces, making provocations for “Taiwan independence”, and heightening cross-strait confrontation, or even endangering the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, the PLA will speak with actions and take necessary measures to defeat any “Taiwan independence” secessionist moves and foreign interference, and safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and the immediate interests of people living across the Strait.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on February 23, 2023)?

?? 以零容忍态度反腐惩恶,更加有力遏制增量,更加有效清除存量,坚决惩治政治问题和经济问题交织的腐败,坚决防止领导干部成为利益集团和权势团体的代言人、代理人,坚决治理政商勾连破坏政治生态和经济发展环境问题,决不姑息。?

We must show zero tolerance in opposing corruption and punishing wrongdoing, and we must take more forceful action to both prevent new cases and root out existing ones. We will come down hard on corruption that involves both political and economic elements, resolutely prevent leading officials from acting for any interest group or power group, and crack down on any collusion between officials and businesspeople that undermines the political ecosystem or economic development. There must be no mercy for corruption.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)

  • 基地? [jī dì]? Al-Qaeda:?


In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 恐怖组织? [kǒng bù zǔ zhī]? terrorist organization:?

Today’s quote:


The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), also named East Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), has plotted and carried out a number of violent terrorist attacks both inside and outside China. It was designated by China in accordance with the law and listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization. It was also listed by the Turkish government as a terrorist organization. In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 1997年3月,全国人民代表大会修改《中华人民共和国刑法》,新增组织、领导、参加恐怖组织罪,并加大了对相关恐怖活动犯罪的处罚力度。?

In March 1997, China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) amended the Criminal Law, adding the crimes of forming, leading, or participating in a terrorist organization, and tightening sanctions for crimes of terrorism.? (White_Paper_China’s Legal Framework and?Measures for Counterterrorism_《中国的反恐怖主义法律制度体系与实践》白皮书_2024_01)?

?? 国际社会普遍期待阿富汗方面兑现承诺,防止阿领土被任何恐怖势力利用,对所有恐怖组织都要采取瓦解、清除行动。?

The world expects Afghanistan to deliver on its commitment, prevent its territories from being used by any terrorist force, and dismantle and eliminate all terrorist organizations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 15, 2023)?

?? 中国坚决执行联合国安理会有关决议,坚决打击恐怖组织利用网络策划、实施恐怖活动,持续依法开展打击网上暴恐音视频专项行动,持续做好反恐宣传教育工作,着力构筑政府为主导、互联网企业为主体、社会组织和公众共同参与的网络反恐体系。?

China is resolute in implementing relevant UN resolutions. It firmly fights against terrorist activities planned and executed online, eliminates audio and video files promoting terrorism from the internet, disseminates anti-terrorism information. The goal is to build an online counter-terrorism system in which the government serves to guide, internet enterprises assume the main responsibility, and social organizations and the public participate.? (White_Paper_Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07)?

?? 成员国对大规模杀伤性武器落入恐怖组织之手的危险表示担忧,主张巩固打击该威胁的国际法律基础,支持在裁军谈判会议上制定打击生化恐怖主义行为国际公约的倡议。成员国将进一步加强协作,打击利用互联网传播和宣传恐怖主义思想,包括利用互联网公开洗白恐怖主义、为一系列恐怖组织招募成员、教唆和资助实施恐怖主义行径并指导实施方法。?

The Member States reaffirm their concern about the risk of weapons of mass destruction ending up at the disposal of terrorist groups; they advocate the strengthening of the international legal framework to counter this threat and support the initiative to draft an international convention against chemical and biological terrorist attacks at the Conference on Disarmament. The Member States will strengthen their cooperation in combating the spread and propagation of terrorist ideology through the internet, including publicly justifying terrorism, recruiting members to terrorist groups, inciting and financing terrorist attacks, and online tutorials on methods of committing terrorist acts.? (Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organization_上海合作组织成员国元首理事会青岛宣言_2018_07_05)

  • 酷刑? [kù xíng]? torture:?

Today’s quote:


China attaches great importance to the protection and advancement of human rights, stands firmly against torture, and has achieved remarkable progress in human rights protection in the judicial area.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 美方应切实反省犯下的侵犯人权罪行,向受害者作出道歉和赔偿,并追究授权和实施酷刑人员的法律责任。?

The US needs to earnestly reflect upon its deplorable record on human rights, apologize and provide reparation to the victims and hold those who authorized and inflicted tortures on detainees accountable.? F(oreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 28, 2023)?

?? 人权高专办真正应当关注的,是美西方势力对印第安人等原住民实施种族灭绝和文化灭绝、从境外贩卖劳动力实施现代奴役和强迫劳动、针对少数族裔进行系统性种族歧视、枪支暴力造成大量平民伤亡、妇女权利出现历史性严重倒退、在海外“黑监狱”滥施酷刑和虐待、搞单边制裁严重侵犯他国人权、搞海外军事行动滥杀平民。?

What the OHCHR really needs to focus on is the human rights violations involving the US and some Western forces: physical and cultural genocide of Native Americans, human trafficking from overseas for modern-day slavery and forced labor, systemic racial discrimination against minorities, deadly gun violence, serious regression of women’s rights, torture and abuse in overseas black sites, unilateral sanctions that jeopardize human rights in other countries, killings of civilians in overseas military operations and so on.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 2, 2022)?

?? 美方污蔑新疆存在“拘留营”,实际上,美国才是任意拘押、滥施酷刑的老手,更是遍布世界各地“黑监狱”的幕后黑手。多年来,美国中情局打着所谓“反恐战争”的幌子在至少54个国家和地区设立了“黑监狱”,拘禁达10万人。包括关塔那摩监狱、伊拉克阿布格里卜监狱、阿富汗巴格拉姆监狱等在内的美国“黑监狱”,不断曝出酷刑虐囚丑闻,手段之残忍令人触目惊心。?

While falsely claiming that there are “detention camps” in Xinjiang, the US itself is an old hand at arbitrary detention and abuse of torture. The US also secretly controls a network of black sites overseas. Over the years, using the “war on terror” as a cover, the CIA has set up black sites in at least 54 countries and regions where hundreds of thousands of people are put under detention. Many US black sites including Guantanamo Bay prison, Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Bagram prison in Afghanistan have been reported for scandals of torture and prisoner abuse. The level of cruelty exposed is simply horrifying.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 13, 2022)?

?? 港英当局对华人实行种族歧视,实施严刑峻法,长期使用笞刑、绞刑等酷刑;实行“华洋分治”,长期对华人实施宵禁,要求华人晚上外出须持警司签发的夜晚通行证,违者处以罚款、拘役、鞭笞、戴枷示众,甚至可被当场击毙;除举行宗教仪式和逢年过节外,华人未经批准不得举行公众集会;规定若干主要地段只可建设欧式房屋,禁止华人迁入;长期禁止华人进入某些场所,不准华人与英国人共用一些公共设施。?

The British Hong Kong authorities practiced racial discrimination against local Chinese, and imposed harsh laws and severe punishments on them. Over many years, local Chinese were subjected to inhumane punishments such as flogging and hanging. The authorities practiced separate rule over Chinese and Westerners and imposed curfews on the local Chinese. A Chinese person had to hold a pass issued by the police superintendent when going out at night; violators could be punished by fine, detention, flogging, wearing a cangue in public, and even summary execution. The local Chinese were not allowed to hold public gatherings without approval, with the exception of religious ceremonies and during holidays. Only European-style buildings could be built in some downtown areas, and the local Chinese were prohibited from living there. The local Chinese were long barred from entering some premises and sharing certain public facilities with the British.? (White_Paper_Hong Kong Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems_“一国两制”下香港的民主发展_2021_12_20)

  • 困难侨胞? [kùn nàn qiáo bāo]? overseas compatriots living in difficulty:?

Today’s quote:


With the Spring Festival drawing near, the Foreign Ministry actively delivers on the spirit of the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs and puts into practice the principle of serving the people through diplomatic work. The Ministry has directed our embassies and consulates to hold the “Embracing the Chinese New Year” special program around the world, conveying the care from the Party and the government. The Embassies and consulates visited fellow compatriots living in difficulty and held cultural activities in various forms to celebrate the Chinese New Year with all the overseas Chinese.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 新冠疫情发生以来,中国驻外使领馆已连续两年面向海外留学生、困难侨胞等群体发放“春节包”,向海外同胞送去新春的祝福。?

For two consecutive years after the outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese embassies and consulates have distributed Spring Festival kits to overseas Chinese students and fellow compatriots experiencing difficulty as well as others living abroad to convey greetings for the Chinese New Year.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 20, 2023)

  • 抹黑中国闹剧? [mǒ hēi zhōng guó nào jù]? Smear China farce:?


Last May [2023], countries of “the Five Eyes alliance” released a similar report discrediting China. Less than a year later, we see another “the Five Eyes alliance” production of the “Smear China” franchise, same made-up plot about “Chinese cyber attack”, same shoddiness.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 穹窿7? [qióng lóng 7]? Vault 7:?


The US has established a large cyber arsenal, which includes typical weapons like the “PRISM” program disclosed by Edward Snowden, the Project “CAMBERDADA” by the US media, the Equation group by the Shadow Brokers, and Vault 7 by WikiLeaks. These cyber weapons put the critical global infrastructure and people’s life and production in all countries in jeopardy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 突厥斯坦伊斯兰党? [tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán dǎng]? Turkistan Islamic Party, TIP (see also Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, ETIM 東伊運 dōng yī yùn):?


The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), also named East Turkistan Islamic Party or Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), has plotted and carried out a number of violent terrorist attacks both inside and outside China. It was designated by China in accordance with the law and listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization. It was also listed by the Turkish government as a terrorist organization. In recent years, the ETIM has colluded more closely with other international and regional terrorist and separatist forces, such as the “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaeda” and the “Balochistan Liberation Army”, to plot continuous attacks against overseas Chinese targets and take part in or carry out terrorist activities in relevant countries and regions, which gravely threaten China’s interests and security overseas and seriously undermine the security and stability of relevant countries and regions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 外交为民? [wài jiāo wèi mín]? serving the people through diplomacy:?

Today’s quote:


With the Spring Festival drawing near, the Foreign Ministry actively delivers on the spirit of the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs and puts into practice the principle of serving the people through diplomatic work. The Ministry has directed our embassies and consulates to hold the “Embracing the Chinese New Year” special program around the world, conveying the care from the Party and the government.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 。。。践行外交为民理念,为维护海外同胞利益用心用力用情。中国外交始终保持人民外交本色,践行全心全意为人民服务宗旨。?

... we have acted on the commitment of serving the people through diplomacy, and worked with all our hearts, minds and strength to protect the interests of Chinese nationals abroad. We in the diplomatic service have always put the people front and center and put actions behind the purpose of whole-heartedly serving the people.? (Wang_Yi_ Maintain a Global Vision, Forge Ahead with Greater Resolve and Write a New Chapter in Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics_2022_12_25)?

?? 海外同胞走到哪里,领事保护就将延伸到哪里,外交为民永不停步,祖国关怀永远在线。?

No matter where our overseas compatriots are, consular protection will always be there for them. We will never stop serving the people through diplomatic work. The care and love of the motherland will always be around.? (Wang_Yi_ Maintain a Global Vision, Forge Ahead with Greater Resolve and Write a New Chapter in Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics_2022_12_25)?

?? 近日,外交部网站发布了《中外人员往来暂行措施》,这将使中外人员往来更加便利、安全、有序、高效,可以说是外交为民的最新实践。?

The Chinese foreign ministry recently released on its website the provisional measures on cross-border travel, which will make cross-border travel easier, safer, more orderly and more efficient. This comes as the latest example of serving the people through diplomacy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 30, 2022)?

?? 中共中央政治局委员、国务委员兼外长王毅在国际形势和中国外交研讨会上介绍了一年来中国外交践行外交为民理念的情况。中国外交始终保持人民外交本色,外交为民是我们始终不渝的宗旨。?

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about how we in the diplomatic service had acted on the commitment of serving the people through diplomacy over the past year at the recent Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations. We have always put the people front and center, and serving the people is the abiding mission of Chinese diplomats.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 30, 2022)

  • 万恶之源? [wàn è zhī yuan]? source of all evil:?

Today’s quote:


In addition to reports released yesterday, China’s cybersecurity institutions have for some time issued some US-related cybersecurity reports, disclosing how the US government has put the critical global infrastructure in jeopardy and turned into the number one source of cyber risks and challenges.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 美国可谓是网络空间风险挑战的“万恶之源”,在美国网络攻击威胁的笼罩下,没有哪个国家能独善其身。?

Without exaggeration, the US is the number one source of cyber risks and challenges. No country in the world can ever insulate itself from the threat of US cyberattack.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 7, 2024)

  • 网络武器? [wǎng luò wǔ qì]? cyber weapon:?

Today’s quote:


The US has established a large cyber arsenal, which includes typical weapons like the “PRISM” program disclosed by Edward Snowden, the Project “CAMBERDADA” by the US media, the Equation group by the Shadow Brokers, and Vault 7 by WikiLeaks. These cyber weapons put the critical global infrastructure and people’s life and production in all countries in jeopardy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 据报道,中国国家计算机病毒应急处理中心昨天就美国政府对各国开展网络攻击发出预警并发布相关报告,曝光了美国政府专用的“轻量化”网络武器,以及在全球范围部署网络攻击平台,并在法国、德国、加拿大、土耳其、马来西亚等国设置多层跳板服务器和VPN通道。?

According to reports, China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center alerted countries on cyberattacks by the US government and released a related report yesterday. It exposed the cyber weapon “Hive” used exclusively by the US government, cyberattack platforms deployed around the world, multiple jump servers and VPN channel placed in countries like France, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Malaysia.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 20, 2022?

?? 不久前,中国网络安全企业360公司发布了《网络战序幕:美国国安局NSA(APT-C-40)对全球发起长达十余年无差别攻击》报告。日前,360公司完整披露了报告中提及的NSA针对中国境内目标的代表性网络武器——量子攻击平台的技术特点。?

Following the release of the report on the indiscriminate cyberattack launched by the US National Security Agency’s APT-C-40 group over the past decade or so, the cybersecurity company named 360 recently disclosed in full the technical features of “Quantum”, the most powerful cyber weapon used by the NSA to attack targets in China mentioned in the report.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 24, 2022)?

?? 据报道,3月2日,网络安全企业360公司发布《网络战序幕:美国国安局NSA(APT-C-40)对全球发起长达十余年无差别攻击》的报告,批露NSA利用网络武器对中国、英国、德国、法国、波兰、日本、印度、韩国、阿联酋、南非、巴西等全球47个国家及地区403个目标开展网络攻击。?

It is reported that on March 2, the internet security company named 360 released a report on the indiscriminate cyberattack launched by the US National Security Agency’s APT-C-40 group over the past decade or so. The report reveals that the NSA used cyberweapons to launch cyberattacks against 403 targets in 47 countries and regions around the world, including China, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Brazil.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 3, 2022)?

?? 据“维基解密”创始人阿桑奇透露,美国开发的网络武器多达2000余种,是世界头号网络武器大国。?

According to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, the US has developed more than 2,000 cyber weapons, making it the world's No.1 power in cyber weapons.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on July 29_2021年7月国防部例行记者会文字实录 202107_29)

  • 网络武器库? [wǎng luò wǔ qì kù]? cyber arsenal:?

Today’s quote;


The US has established a large cyber arsenal, which includes typical weapons like the “PRISM” program disclosed by Edward Snowden, the Project “CAMBERDADA” by the US media, the Equation group by the Shadow Brokers, and Vault 7 by WikiLeaks. These cyber weapons put the critical global infrastructure and people’s life and production in all countries in jeopardy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 美国政府利用掌控全球互联网基础资源,对他国搞“断网”突袭,严重破坏别国社会稳定和经济安全。美方利用对全球操作系统和互联网服务的垄断地位,搞大规模、无差别监听监控和数据窃取,侵害各国公民隐私权。美方建立了庞大的网络武器库,开发并扩散对他国关键基础设施发动网络攻击的先进武器,将全球关键基础设施置于巨大风险之中。?

With an unparalleled control over global Internet resources, the US government is known to have disconnected countries from the Internet, causing severe damage to their social stability and economic security. The US government uses its dominance over global operating systems and Internet services to carry out massive, indiscriminate surveillance and data theft, infringing on the right to privacy of many countries’ citizens. The US government has established a large cyber arsenal, and developed and spread advanced weapons used to attack key foreign infrastructure, putting the global key infrastructure at great risk.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 7, 2024)

  • 问号? [wèn hào]? question mark:?

Today’s quote:


The discharge plan will last for 30 years or even longer. Can Japan ensure safety and be responsible in the future discharge management? Can the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water treatment and discharge facilities work stably and effectively over the long run? We have every reason to be concerned and a big question mark has been put over this.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 此次七国集团外长会声明花了相当大的篇幅谈及巴以局势,却没提停火止战、恢复和谈,也没有提落实联大紧急特别会议决议、推动联合国安理会采取负责任行动。这样的声明对于缓解局势、恢复和平能起到多大作用,恐怕要划一个问号。?

The G7 foreign ministers’ statement contains long paragraphs on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, but it does not mention a ceasefire or the resumption of peace talks, nor does it mention the implementation of the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly at its emergency session or the need for responsible Security Council action, which puts a big question mark over how exactly such a statement can help ease the situation and restore peace.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 9, 2023)?

?? 东京电力公司能否从始至终都安全、负责地处置福岛核污染水?能否确保长达30年的排放管理不犯错、不失误?能否确保净化装置的长期有效性和可靠性?能否严格按照规范进行核污染水的取样、监测活动?对这些问题,国际社会不得不打一个大大的问号。?

Can TEPCO handle the waste water in a safe and responsible way throughout the process? Can it manage the 30-year-long discharge without mistakes and errors?? Can it ensure the long-term effectiveness and reliability of the treatment facility? Can it conduct waste water sampling and monitoring activities in strict compliance with the rules? The international community is very much doubtful about that.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 17, 2023)?

?? 在赞债务处置进程中,部分别有用心的媒体习惯于断章取义、挑拨离间中赞、中非关系,既经不起事实推敲,更无助于解决问题,赞比亚和国际社会对此看得很清楚,不禁要对这些媒体的公信力打一个大大的问号。?

Regarding Zambia’s debt treatment, certain media with a hidden agenda often take things out of context and sow discord between China and Zambia or the wider Africa. But what they do cannot stand the test of facts, still less help solve any problems. This is clear to Zambia and the international community, which naturally puts those outlets’ credibility in doubt.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 14, 2023)?

?? 美国气候政策是否还会摇摆,甚至倒退?对此,许多国家都打一个大大的问号。?

For many countries, there is still a big question mark about whether US climate policy will change or even backpedal again.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 14, 2021)

  • 引渡? [yǐn dù]? extradite; extradition:?

Today’s quote:

中国台湾居民刘鸿韬涉嫌电信诈骗犯罪,中方依法向波兰提出了引渡请求,旨在打击犯罪和保护被害人合法权益,完全合理合法。 ... 中国此前已与许多国家成功开展包括引渡在内的执法司法合作。我们将继续与国际社会一道合作打击各类跨国犯罪,促进人员和经贸等领域往来。?

Liu Hongtao, a resident of Taiwan, China, is suspected of telecom fraud. China made the request to Poland for extradition in accordance with the law to combat crimes and protect the lawful rights and interests of the victims. This is completely legitimate and lawful.? ... China has successfully carried out enforcement and judicial cooperation, including extradition, with many countries, and will continue to work with the rest of the international community to jointly combat cross-border crimes and promote personnel, economic and trade exchanges of all sectors.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 据报道,17日,英国内政大臣批准将维基解密创始人阿桑奇引渡至美国。?

It is reported that on June 17, the UK home secretary approved the extradition of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, to the US.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 20, 2022)?

?? 事实已经一再证明,美国才是任意拘押和政治迫害的冠军。但可能对美国来说,敢于公开揭露美国罪行和劣迹的斯诺登、阿桑奇等人属于应该指控和引渡的政治犯,而别的国家就应该采取行动释放政治犯。?

Facts have proven time and again that the US is the world champion in terms of arbitrary detention and political persecution. Perhaps for the US, it should charge and extradite “political prisoners” like Snowden and Assange who are courageous enough to reveal US’ crimes and misdeeds, while other countries should increase “action to secure the release” of political prisoners.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 24, 2021)?

?? 开展“天网行动”,加大海外追逃、遣返引渡力度。?

China carries out "Sky Net" operation and intensifies efforts to pursue, repatriate and extradite fugitives accused of corruption.? (White_Paper_New Progress in the Legal Protection of Human Rights in China_《中国人权法治化保障的新进展》2017_12_15)?

?? 中方愿在平等和相互尊重、不干涉内政的基础上,继续开展中欧法律与司法合作项目并拓展合作领域,深化在司法改革等重点领域的交流,探讨在反腐败、打击跨国有组织犯罪、引渡、被判刑人移管、犯罪资产追缴等领域的司法合作,加强在法律监督领域的经验交流。?

China will continue to implement the China-EU legal and judicial cooperation program and expand such cooperation on the basis of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, deepen exchanges in judicial reform and other priority areas, explore judicial cooperation in anti-corruption, combating organized transnational crimes, extradition, transfer of sentenced persons and criminal assets recovery, and promote experience sharing on legal supervision.? (Policy_Paper_Deepen the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation_2014_04_ 深化互利共赢的中欧全面战略伙伴关系)

  • 影子经纪人? [yǐng zi jīng jì rén]? Shadow Brokers:?


The US has established a large cyber arsenal, which includes typical weapons like the “PRISM” program disclosed by Edward Snowden, the Project “CAMBERDADA” by the US media, the Equation group by the Shadow Brokers, and Vault 7 by WikiLeaks. These cyber weapons put the critical global infrastructure and people’s life and production in all countries in jeopardy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)

  • 远亲不如近邻? [yuǎn qīn bù rú jìn lín] ?close neighbors are better than distant relatives:?

Today’s quote:


China and the Philippines are neighbors across the sea. Friendly exchanges predominate in the history of our bilateral relations. A close neighbor can be more helpful than a distant relative. Neighbors should get along with each other based on the principle of good-neighborliness, friendship, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and non-interference in each others’ internal affairs.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 加强友好交流,筑牢中越命运共同体民意基础。远亲不如近邻。中越关系的根基在人民、血脉在人民、力量在人民。我们要加大友好合作交流,充分发挥中越央媒、智库、文旅、出版机构、广播影视等部门对口交流机制效能,深化中文教育、职业教育、体育、卫生等合作,办好中越人民论坛、青年友好会见等系列品牌活动,增进两国人民特别是青年一代相互了解和感情。?

We need to step up friendly exchanges to cement popular support for a China-Vietnam community with a shared future. A close neighbor is better than a distant relative. The people are the root, the lifeline and the source of strength of China-Vietnam relations. We should enhance friendly cooperation and exchanges, and make full use of counterpart exchange mechanisms such as central media outlets, think tanks, cultural and tourism departments, publishers, as well as radio, film and television institutions. We should deepen cooperation in Chinese language education, vocational education, sports and health. We should ensure the success of flagship events including the China-Vietnam People's Forum and the China-Vietnam Youth Friendship Meeting with a view to increasing mutual understanding and affinity between our peoples, especially the younger generation.? (Xi_Jinping_Article_Building a China-Vietnam Community with a Shared Future That Carries Strategic Significance And Writing Together a New Chapter in Our Modernization Drive_2023_12_12)?

?? 关于中韩关系,中韩是有着深厚历史渊源的友好邻邦。中国人常说“远亲不如近邻”。?

China and the ROK are friendly neighbors sharing a deep historical bond.? The Chinese people often say, “A close neighbor?can be more helpful than a distant relative.”? (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07)?

?? “远亲不如近邻。”这是中国人很早就认识到的一个朴素的生活道理。中国坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,坚持睦邻、安邻、富邻,秉持亲诚惠容的理念,不断深化同周边国家的互利合作和互联互通,努力使自身发展更好惠及周边国家。中国已经同8个周边国家签署睦邻友好合作条约,正在商谈签署中国-东盟睦邻友好合作条约,并愿同所有周边国家商签睦邻友好合作条约,为双边关系发展和地区繁荣稳定提供有力保障。?

Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. This is a simple truth that the Chinese people got to know in ancient times. That explains China's firm commitment to building friendship and partnership with its neighbors to foster an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood. Under the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, China is working actively to deepen win-win cooperation and connectivity with its neighbors to bring them even more benefit with its own development. China has signed treaties of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation with eight of its neighbors and is holding discussion to sign a same treaty with ASEAN. China stands ready to sigh such a treaty with all its neighbors to provide strong support for the development of bilateral relations as well as prosperity and stability in the region.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia_2015_03_15)

  • 中国网络攻击? [zhōng guó wǎng luò gōng jí]? Chinese cyberattacks:?

Today’s quoite:

时隔不到一年,“五眼联盟”再次上演抹黑中国闹剧的续集,仍然是粗制滥造的“伪劣产品”。 ... “五眼联盟”散布“中国网络攻击”虚假信息的闹剧下步怎么演,大家可以拭目以待。?

Less than a year later, we see another “the Five Eyes alliance” production of the “Smear China” franchise, same made-up plot about “Chinese cyber attack”, same shoddiness. ... Let’s stay tuned and see what else is in the alliance’ play script of spreading disinformation on “Chinese cyberattacks”.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 我建议你向微软公司了解,他们发布的“中国网络攻击行为”报告是不是根据美国的官方信息作出的??

I’d like to refer you to Microsoft to check with them whether the report related to “Chinese cyber attacks” is based on US official information.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2023)

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