Soup Saves The Day
I had hardly slept for two nights in a row. My eyes seemed permanently popped out as if my brain had been struck by some alien jargon that it was busy deducing.
Wondering what life is all about, contemplating and trying to decode it. Life is just like the tip of an iceberg, looks simple but is it simple?
I kept thinking about the shiny starry night sky which I could barely enjoy because of the intricately woven dark clouds clustered below it. But, that's a vision too. It felt symbolic at that time. My stars being clouded by the thoughts which really wouldn't lead me anywhere.
Awake like the wise old owl, hoping to get an edge, feeling surreal, that was me. I had binged on Gilmore girls, 4 seasons at once in the past weekend and was inspired to read at Yale, yes bizarre, that's what the thunderstruck brain does to you.
Giving much thought to proceedings of unnecessary nothings in life can become tormenting if you don't have Ice cream, to my utter dismay I didn't have any Ice cream. Did you know that Life is lilies and roses and all things good with Ice cream?
Indeed it is.
Time kept passing and the next thing I knew was that it was late in the evening and I felt famished! I had been working all day without a note of time and space! I ravelled and was amused by my concentration.
My mother came with a bowl of soup for me! That's when the magic started, I drank some of it; And Oh, the joy of this simple soup was immense! I was happy!
I could taste the droplets of soft melting butter, in my vegetable soup. It felt divine! Sweet deliciousness!
It was warm, soothing, it really calmed me down and was exploding with mom's love.
I guess that's how love feels like, warm and soothing with buttery Joy.
I slept like a baby after supper, that is true contentment!