If it sounds too good to be true, it invariably is.
Frederick St George MBE
Helping brands connect with families across print and digital channels. Business Owner, Franchisor, NED, Co-Founder of the Italian Job charity event, Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
I often wonder what it is that drives people to look at a franchise recruitment website like ours (getraring2go.co.uk) in the first instance.
From looking at our web stats and bounce rates in particular, I assume that for many they land on our pages in error for almost as quickly as they land they disappear off. C’est la vie!
However, I’m also convinced that for a great swathe of them this first dalliance with the notion of self-employment, self-empowerment and franchising in particular is a serious attempt on their part to find a path to deviate from the ‘norm’ and to do something for themselves; something that will impact positively on them and their families.
I’m also pretty certain that many visitors to some franchise recruitment websites, have their interest piqued by the bright lights of promises of pastures green, financial freedom, riches, personal freedom and emancipation from the world of work, employment and being a ‘wage slave’. I underline here that no such promises are made on our website and there never will be. Ours is a long game and not a quick win, get rich quick business. Actually, they all are but some choose to focus on attention grabbing headlines instead of the cold hard facts.?
I honestly don’t know anyone who is in business for themselves (as part of a franchise or a stand alone start up) that doesn’t work harder, longer, faster and with more personal sacrifice than many people in gainful employment. Let me be clear. There really are numerous ?advantages to being your own boss and going it alone, especially in franchising, but underpinning each and every one of these advantages is hard work, grit, determination and commitment. I could also mention franchisor and peer support, longevity and experience in and of their market. Actually this list goes on and on…..
If you are someone who doesn’t baulk at the idea of hard work; who recognises that you’ll be growing an appreciating asset that has short, medium and long term value; who is looking for some direction that will enable you to take more control of both your work and personal life… then please do take a closer look at Raring2go!...better still get in touch so we can tell you the warts and all, cold, hard facts that being a Raring2go! franchise owner is.