"Sounds of Silence" Simon & Garfunkel)
"The deafening is silence
It speaks volumes?
It says everything?
Let your lack of words
Speak for you"
Harry Petsanis
Humanity has erupted?
?into "Dante's" deadly inferno?
As well a human abattoir?
Where innocent men women?
Especially innocent little children?
Are slaughtered like chickens
No matter who one be:
Hindu, Muslim, Christian?
Bahai Sikh Jewish or a?
North South East West
If we make an effort?
Hate we can eradicate?
"Every word has consequences?
And every silence too"
( Jean Paul Sartre)
We went in droves to
View the Cyrus Cylinder?
What was the end result?
"Back to Basics"?
"Human Beings are a?
?Numbers whole in creation?
Essence & soul
If any one human is?
Afflicted with pain
If you have no sympathy?
For human pain?
The name of human?
One cannot retain"
(Shaadi Shiraz)
Coming together & finding a solution?
So that each & every man woman child
Is born free & lives free?
By creating a happy humanity?
We have been endowed with the
Power of Reasoning accompanied?
With a Conscience iced
With thoughts Words Deeds?
Hate we can eradicate
Let's trade Love for hate
At same time:
Giving Peace Chance ( John Lennon)
Lastly :
"In the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people may be more
People talking without speaking?
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that?
Voices never heard and?
No one dared
Disturb the Sound of Silence"
(Simon & Garfunkel)
Choicest Blessings?
Farida Bamji?
Feb 2nd 2025
PS: Why play the game: Blinds man bluff..., need I say more?