Sounds of Freedom....
I love this time of year when you can sleep with the windows open. The nice cool breeze blowing softly against the curtains, causing you to snuggle down into the covers. Where I live, at the very tippy-top of a mountain, there is a peacefulness that settles on the mountain. I awoke the other day to the nostalgic sound of a train traveling through the valley below. It softly rumbled as it passed through, echoing its journey throughout the mountainside. Softly the horn blew, and then with a louder burst, to announce its entry through the town below, and then softly again almost as if an afterthought. It's soft rhythmatic rumble lulled me back asleep again. The sounds of one lone morning singer awakened me. His chirp sharp and piercing at first soon softened into a melodic song. Shortly, others joined in, until a mighty chorus ushered in the dawning of a new day with their beautiful singing.
Such a beautiful way to wake up. My thoughts immediately went to the women that I would be speaking to that day at Muncy SCI (State Correctional Institute) in Muncy, PA. I couldn't help think that they would not awaken to the sounds of beauty and freedom that I had. Yes, many will say, they have made their choices, and they have. Many will say, they must bear the accountability of their actions, and they must. Many will ask, have you forgotten the pain that they inflicted on their victims? And that is a NO! We must never forget the victim! But accountability and mercy, though strange partners, can walk together at times, hand in hand. One does not negate the other. I know that there are those who have chosen evil—for those-my message will not phase them. I speak to those who it will affect; to those who are sorry, to those who want to change, to those who may have never had a chance at life, who were broken and swallowed up into a life that they had no idea of how to navigate, to those who were never given the guidance and love to make good choices, to those who were given them, and yet unwittingly threw it all away in the foolishness of a moment. Oh, for God's grace that can keep us all from falling, and oh for God's mercy to pick us up when we do. My thanks to Melissa Wertman and the staff of SCI Muncy for arranging this event.