The Sound of Silence
First time I heard this song, life actually started to make sense. But hey, lets just not be literal here. Silence is the truth, we all desperately want to know. Don't we?
Music taught me the power of silence. Living in a city taught me the power of silence. And then there were mountains, silence. Don't get me wrong, but silence can actually be a beautiful perception, a beautiful state of mind.
To embrace silence is not surrender of some kind. It's rather a form of enlightenment. Its like thinking from your Bigger mind, more open, more beautiful, more. I write this very thought because I realised one more time, the true of essence of silence in my life. I had been loud half of my life. Gained nothing. Wasn't even heard. It's just the fact that life was so spontaneous when confused or rather ignorant, that I never realised the true power of speaking with respect to the true essence of silence.
Words are a strong weapon. Once spoken, can never be taken back. Same goes with hearing. Things we hear, even if we do not want to, it stays there, deep inside the core of our minds as a memory that can further be sound or noise to us.
But when I started to observe this pattern, I figured what it truly meant to be silent. A sense of inner calmness, a composure so subtle, just like that crystal clear water flowing through a brook or the gentle kiss of the warm breeze on your cheek in the peak of Spring bloom.
Life can be loud. And silence is always an option. For it's on us to choose.
Safe, Sound and Wise most of all, is what i'd like to call... Silence.
(pic courtesy:
Editor In Chief
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