Be the sound dogs run to

Be the sound dogs run to

Rachel Klaver, marketing strategist for small businesses seated with her three dogs, george, milly and spud.

We have three dogs. Our three girls say that’s one (or two) too many but the crazy company of three incredibly different canine personalities lifts all of our hearts every day, so I reckon what they really mean is they don’t like the fact that owning three dogs means that one of them always needs to be on dog walks.

I wouldn’t say we did an incredible job of training our dogs. They all have variable success in coming when called, depending on what they are really interested in. One will do anything for a ball. One for attention. And the other - for food.?

But there is one sound that makes them all come running, at any point of the day.

The sound of a serrated knife chopping on a board.

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No matter where they are sunning themselves, chilling out or chasing their own tail, it’s enough for them to stop and act.

This morning’s call left them disappointed - I was chopping an orange. So they came but were not satisfied

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It doesn’t mean that next time they’ll think “Oh last time was an orange so I’ll give it a miss this time” Instead, they HOPE. They hope it’s all of their favourite - carrot tops and bottoms. Or even better - scraps of cheese or the best of all… MEAT

Spud might be hoping for a banana. George for some crusty bread bits. And Milly? - well her favourite is that cheese that all the others will try jump in front of her to get first. She’s often too polite to take the plunge and commit to taking it before it’s too late

That sound of chopping food, that action isn’t always for them. And sometimes it’s not worth it for all of them

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But there are enough moments where they all get something out of it, and that keeps them coming back again and again. They’ll come every single day, and never get tired of the sound, because they know that I’m going to reward them enough with what they’re hoping for

NOW. Imagine that was your email, in their inbox.

You want them to open it.

It’s not possible they’ll always love it, or feel it’s just for them

But it needs to be enough that they all feel it’s the food they needed (or just really wanted)

Sometimes only a few will benefit

And sometimes you’ll get them all, with a popular shared favourite topic or offer.

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We often worry that we’re going to email too often, or freak out when one email gets a huge reaction, and one other gets barely a whisper. They all count. It’s the big picture you need to remember.. When we make sure we’ve got what our readers need at least some of the time, they’ll open them all. Because this one could be the day you give them real meat.

Be the sound that dog's run to.

(Has this changed the way you see email? Let me know in the comments)

Rachel Klaver is a marketing strategist and owner of?Identify ?where we help small business owners develop a marketing strategy and action plan for their business. This newsletter is based around ideas in her new book MAP IT Marketing coming out in 2022. You can also check out her?podcast ?here

Michelle Waitzman

Making your communications clear and effective using plain language. ?? I provide communications consulting, training, writing, and editing to nonprofits, the public sector, associations, and more.

3 年

I love this analogy! Our dogs can teach us so much. Even when one of ours was recovering from an illness and we took her to the vet every week for blood tests, she was always excited to get in the car, just in case we were taking her to the beach!

Marja Stack AE

Helping businesses get results with the right words | Editor and proofreader | Plain language consultant | Accredited Editor (IPEd) | Farmer | Mum

3 年

I love this analogy! It's great motivation to keep writing my blog posts even if some get more clicks than others.

Tiffany Bartlett

Email Marketing Specialist | Data-Driven Email Marketing Strategist | 10+ Years of marketing experience | Email Marketing Strategy and Automation | BSc Hons.

3 年

Yes, who knew that dogs could teach us about email marketing. This is a lovely analogy. ??

Ruth van den Brink

Establishing credibility and increasing sales for your company using Customer Experience Case Studies & other powerful copy.

3 年

So basically, make your email recipients salivate when they see your name in their inbox. ??

Nicole Watkins Campbell

Editor, writer and trainer. I help organizations connect with readers. #GoC, Nova Scotia Government supplier | #PlainLanguage

3 年

Ours casually slips into the kitchen (usually right behind me) when she hears the happy sound of chopping!



