?Do you feel as if someone has cast a love spell on you?
Well, that’s definitely a possibility! But, it might not be your case.
There are many other factors that might be causing you to feel a powerful pull toward a particular person.
What is a soul connection?
Well, it’s based on the idea that you and another person are drawn to each other.
A soul connection represents a spiritual bond you and another person share with each other. It’s like an invisible rope that is pulling both of you together.
Even if you try to fight it, there’s no escaping it.
In fact, even if you try to ignore this person, your soul won’t let you. And for good reason too!
Why is that?
Each type of soul connection has a specific purpose. And that purpose is meant for you to achieve and fulfill.
If this is the case, don’t fight it! Accept it as a blessing and let your souls do what they need to do.
What to do about it?
Learn more about the various types of soul connections and their purpose.
As soon as you recognize what magnetic force is pulling you towards?someone, you can take action to honor and uphold your bond.
Fair warning: once you find out, there will be no turning back. So, proceed with caution.
Are you a genetic match?
Have you ever heard of genetic?matchmaking?
If you haven’t, listen carefully because this is a big one!
Basically, you and the person you feel magnetically drawn to could be biologically compatible.
What does this mean?
I’m not going to bore you with the scientific details. All you need to know is that there is a gene called the HLA gene.
When yours is dissimilar enough from another person’s HLA gene, it means?you are compatible?on a genetic level.
Your body can react in a very powerful way to another person’s body because they are your genetic match.
What to do about it?
While there’s no easy way to check if you’re genetically compatible with another person, you can try this:
Stop seeing this person for a while. If the reason you feel the pull is purely biological, then it will go away in their absence.
If you still feel magnetically drawn to them, then there’s something else at play.
Can tell for sure
The points above and below should help you find the reason you feel magnetically drawn to someone.
But a sure-fire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.
They can answer questions like:
Do you feel attracted to them for biological reasons?
Are you meant to spend your life with him or her?
The problem is finding someone you can trust.
?Not only will a genuine advisor tell you if this person is “the one” you’re meant to be with, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.
Karmic soul connection
Remember when I said there are many types of soul connections?
At the same time, this type of connection could be exactly what is pulling you towards that person.
Let me explain: A karmic soul connection is a bond between you and another person that has been created in your past life.
Wait, what?
As you already know, karma is all about learning your lessons and paying your karmic dues. And the karmic soul connection has something to do with it.
Simply put, when you share a karmic soul connection with someone, it means that you have to learn something from them in order to grow.
What to do about it?
In case this is the reason you feel that way for another person, you should try to learn your lesson and move on.
You see, karmic relationships tend to become toxic. It doesn’t matter if they’re romantic or not. They all pretty much share the same fate.
Want to know the best reason you feel magnetically drawn to someone?
If they are, you’re truly lucky!
A twin flame is your counterpart. They are your mirror soul, your other half. In short, your twin flame represents the person you were meant to be with forever.
Relationships between twin souls are always romantic and they have a clear purpose: to be with each other until the end of time and reach oneness.
?How can you tell if you’ve met your twin flame?
You feel a strong pull towards this person and it’s very hard for you to stay away from them.
You can’t stop thinking about them. Every time you try, you keep coming back to them. Your mind keeps returning to this person like a magnet;
The way this person looks at you makes your heart skip a beat. You’re convinced that nobody has ever made you feel the way they do.
You can swear that you can communicate telepathically with them.
You feel their presence even when they’re not physically with you.
What to do about it?
First of all, don’t get too excited. Don’t rush into anything.
Why? Well, I can think of at least two reasons:
You might scare them off.
They might not be your false twin flame.
?Second of all, try to learn as much as you can about twin flames and their initial union.
Make sure you’re prepared for a relationship with your one and only.
What are pheromones? I’m glad you asked!
At its core, a pheromone is a chemical messenger that animals release in order to communicate with one another. And guess what? Humans have them too!
Our bodies release these pheromones through our sweat glands. And they do more than just make us naturally smell nice (or not-so-nice).
We release pheromones whenever we feel turned on. And when we do, they mix in with our body odor and are released into the air.
That’s the power of pheromones! They have the capacity to make us feel attracted, repulsed, or indifferent about people. And our feelings about them are powerful enough to cause us to act on them.
This means that?your chemistry?in making you feel magnetically drawn to someone.
What to do about it?
To make sure this is your case, try this:
Smell them! I know this may sound weird, but if you get the chance to smell this person’s body odor, you can figure out why you feel magnetically drawn to them.
Do your best not to get fooled by smelling their perfume or cologne. In these cases, your senses may be confused and you might end up smelling something else.
If you like their smell, take it as a sign that your bodies are highly compatible.
If you don’t like it, this might not be the reason why you feel drawn to them.
You feel magnetically drawn to your soulmate
A soulmate is a person with whom you share a soul connection. They are part of the same soul family as yours.
As for their purpose in your life, they can fulfill multiple roles, such as:
The role of a mentor – to guide you; the role of a friend – to help shape your self-esteem;
?The role of a parent – to support you;
?The role of a lover – to help you heal.
?What I’m trying to say is that there is no single type of soulmate.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
9 个月A soulmate is a person with whom you share a soul connection. They are part of the same soul family as yours. As for their purpose in your life, they can fulfill multiple roles, such as: The role of a mentor – to guide you; the role of a friend – to help shape your self-esteem; The role of a parent – to support you; The role of a lover – to help you heal. What I’m trying to say is that there is no single type of soulmate.