I would like to offer you 6 of the most practical strategies you can employ on your journey towards Inner-Life Health & Sustainability.
- Audit your diary activity — Are you simply too busy? Are you committing to things that you really don’t need to? Get serious about auditing your diary activity. You need space!
- Insert diary margins — By force if necessary. You cannot be ‘switched on’ all the time. You need ‘off time’ for your soul or you will burnout. Start small. Start somewhere. Create margins.
- Learn to rest — In these newly created margins, learn to rest. The biggest lesson is to ‘Cease from producing’ True rest begins when our Soul (mind, will, emotions) is off, not just our body stopped.
- Just stopping is not enough — Stopping is better than not stopping at all, but you must go further. Engine off means you are no longer burning ‘Soul fuel’ Now, you must commit to intentional re-fuelling to make the most of your stop.
- Refuel uniquely — We are all wired uniquely. What fuels me, won’t necessarily fuel you. You need to learn your fuel, and plan your stops around it.
- Activity that drains us or refuels us — The simple truth that we need to acknowledge and adapt to is; Some situations, and even some people are more draining than others. Where possible, avoid!
I’m urging everyone to take steps towards their own Soul Health. Especially in light of the hectic pace we all move at these days. Please don’t ignore it any longer. Take the time, learn the lessons, employ a smart plan and reap the benefits for you and your family!