[Soul Sunday] Help Wanted! Help Wanted!
Hey Dreamer??
?Happy Soul Sunday!!
“The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few,” he told his disciples. So pray to the one in charge of the harvesting, and ask him to recruit more workers for his harvest fields.” Matthew 9:37-38 LBT
I’ve always been curious about “Help Wanted” signs, ever since I can remember. It's said it is a buyers' market.?Meaning, more available work or jobs than workers. It's really bigger than that. You see the work wanted is not always available or is it.?With the cross section of technical and virtual advancements, a global pandemic and over 1 million people losing their lives to covid, the world is in a different place mentally. This has caused everyone to reevaluate how they spend their time, and with whom, both personally and professionally.?This is coupled with an emerging generation of what you can do for me and what you are doing for me. Demanding more flexibility, more perks and just simply more.
When I see a?Help Wanted?sign…
I think of harvest workers for the field… and whether you are unemployed, underemployed, or are in a never-ending search for the job or team of your dreams.?
In the work we do to get people hired at Dare2Dream and to show CEOs how to hire at HR For Profit, we know that your Purple Squirrel is out there.
Wherever you find yourself today posting a Help Wanted?Ad or replying to one, know this….
The God I serve, has the cattle on a thousand hills, you see the God I serve….. The earth is His, everything in it the fullness of this world all belongs to God.
Jesus answered the help wanted ad placed in the OT.
But right now there is a different kind of shortage…. A shortage of dream jobs and dream workers.?
?Since it’s Sunday and that means Soul Sunday, a Help wanted ad for a Christian worker might read like this and be placed in the Heavenly Chronicle;?
?Help Wanted?Servants of the true and living God, hard workers, ,, Help wanted - must be a prayed-up Christian,?Help Wanted?in need of person or persons in right relationship with God, Help wanted Christian soldiers able and capable of praying without ceasing.?Help Wanted?peacemaker, Help wanted prayer warrior.?Help Wanted… a person willing to bear the burden in the heat of the day….?Help Wanted?a person capable of sifting the wheat from the shaft…??help wanted a person who can, who has studied to show thyself-approved to God, a servant able to praise morning, noon or night.?Help Wanted?a servant willing to serve the most High God in season and out of season.?But most of all seeking a servant who will dance, dance, dance…?Help Wanted?a servant whose feet and hands look new.
A person capable of discerning the truth from false hoods.
In the small print… volunteers need not apply. All these responsibilities must be carried out?with grace and strength and power from on high.??
The point today is that Jesus is calling for more servant workers. Will you answer today? It matters not if you are in need or want... will you be the servant that Jesus is calling and answer.
Let Us Pray:
Lord bless me and keep me; Lord allow your face to shine upon me and be gracious to me; Lord turn your face toward me and give me peace, for my great harvest. Amen!?
Meditation/Journal:?May my harvest produce fruit beyond my thoughts and needs and deliver faith, love, peace and joy!
Real Quick:
Do you need to respond to or?place?a?Help Wanted?Ad??Yes, Click Here?to?respond?to a?Help Wanted?Ad or?Click Here to place an ad.
PLUS… Whenever you’re ready, here are 4?ways that will help you increase your income and impact in the coming weeks and months:
Making it Rain for Corporate Sales Teams ??I Rainmaking Speaker ??? I Corporate Sales Trainer I #KillerPitchMaster I Perfect Pitch I Only Trainer That Matters to Growing Your Business or Brand
2 年Love, love, love this especially today Queen Lisa Ealy!!