[Soul Sunday] Back to FORWARD
“Happy Soul Sunday”
Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we receive an imperishable one. So, I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air.”(1 Cor. 9:20-26)
You may think this is odd, Back to Forward. But already, if you are anything like me, you may have slipped back into your old?ways, the routine you established for yourself at the beginning of the year is slipping away and it is only June (the beginning of the second half starts on July 1) … But it is June and we can go back to go forward.?Lisa, you can begin again!?It starts with committing to go Forward!!?
Why is forward important… Future is Forward, dreams are forward, goals are forward, vision is forward, promise is forward, healing, reconciliation, love, peace, the goal and the finish line is forward, we are fighting to get there, and forward is the ONLY way…….?
In fact, forward is the only way.?Looking back only slows us down… and prevents us from moving forward. Have you ever seen a race where the runner either looks back or the runner with the ball peers over their shoulder, or the swimmer is looking at the other racers to see where they are in relation to the goal… and nearly every time they are caught, overtaken, tackled… because they looked back…? Keep looking forward, keep moving forward.
Let’s make this happen - Get back FORWARD!!
Let Us Pray…
Lord,?here I am. Father God, I have become a servant to you and you alone. Heavenly Father, thank you for pricking my heart to know there is a way forward to my?BIG dreams, my purpose, and my calling. Lord show me my meant for more; open doors that have been shut and shut doors that I no longer need to open.?Lord, here I stand ready… show me the way and I will follow.?
Journal/Meditation:?What can I do to move Forward/Dear God help me move forward by/ I am moving forward.
Lisa Ealy
July, 30, 31, August 1, 2021 >>?Click Here to Get all the details?<<
Super Early Bird - Ends June 30 at 11:59pm