Soul Shamanism Workshops
Janet StraightArrow
Maverick Leader Warrior Edge-walker. Master Healer-Spiritual Teacher-Shaman-Mentor- Coach-Training-Retreats. Be The Medicine guides you to heal and live your passion and purpose. Janet’s StraightArrow Approach guides you
Soul Shamanism 101 Live the True You Body and Soul. Weekend Training will be offered on 9/17-18, November 6-7, or 5 Thursday Nights, 9/22 - 10/20 on Zoom.
Join us for the free Zoom Intro this Thursday, 9/8, at 7 PM. Please email me for the Zoom link. If you cannot attend, you will receive the recorded session. [email protected] with your name and phone number in case we reschedule. There is also a YouTube interview and discussion on my website under Straightarrow Wisdom Tab - Media.
Join us for this profound new beginning to your life. Janet StraightArrowinitiates you into a direct experience of your soul-self. You explore Shamanic territories and learn universal laws to live in your body and life. Learn how to heal and navigate your everyday life from your Soul's perspective.
You always meet your Soul, Self, ancestors, guides, and teachers who travel with you.
You explore your inner spiritual space that reflects your body and entire life. You will never feel alone again. You now have direct access to your inner wisdom and knowledge and learn how to deepen this daily. Healing on all levels opens up in ways you never imagined possible.
This great Universal, Spiritual Shamanic practice makes the mystical – practical, immediate, and genuine in everyday life.
Soul Shamanism is an excellent class for healers, teachers, therapists, coaches, and all seekers ready to Be and Live who they are. From this day forward, you will feel empowered by the depth of your soul and all your connections and tools from this experiential class.
Your life purpose awakens and readies you to move forward in all areas of your life in profound, simple, straightforward ways. Heal yourself directly from present concerns and past hurts. Find inner peace, tranquility, and knowing.
Awaken Medical Intuition, Channeling, Intuition, and other spiritual gifts and abilities.
Enjoy this addition to your spiritual healing tool bag, a precious gift. Soul Shamanism takes all Spiritual and Shamanic Practices to new, deeper levels for Shamanic Practitioners, Healers, and everyone. This class is an important beginning to assist you in Being The Medicine.
Janet has been working with and teaching this practice for 19 years. The work has deepened and grown into a powerful way for people to heal and live their Best True Selves with confidence and knowledge.
TESTIMONIALS “This workshop with Janet StraightArrow is a journey with your soul. She guides you back to your true Self with humor, wisdom, honesty, and compassion. It is an amazing experience that will change you deeply; you will open up to your gifts, strengths, and the exciting journey of self-discovery. This was my first workshop with Janet, and the power of it blew me away. Be prepared to laugh because being with Janet is like being with a wise, trusted friend. Be prepared to see things in a new way; her techniques are magically transforming and healing. I had a blast! Janet teaches you in a way that you do not realize you are being taught – The information just channels into you in an amazing flow. It is awesome!”
“…I have a whole new world open to me for balance, self-confidence, knowing what is real, and reinforcing the beauty of living the truth. There is a peaceful retreat inside my body when I get help from my twin to tap into who I know I am and what I can achieve.”
“This weekend was a spirited one of Acceptance and surrender, both within myself and among those working with me. It provided both the space and the opportunity for healing and to learn new methods of healing on/in the dimension of our everyday reality and the dimensions beyond it. This weekend was filled with understanding, support, and encouragement. It was a wonderful beginning to a lifelong journey.”
“The weekend was learning about perception – moving out of my head and into pure experience. The tools of the art of perception were shared with clarity and power by Janet, and I was able to use them immediately to access life lessons in the course of my Shamanic Journeys. Janet is truly a gifted teacher, and I plan to continue my inner work with her.”
Early Bird Prepaid Price $395. by 9/10/22. $425. After. Space is limited to 12.
Details of all four events are on our Events page on
Soul Shamanism 201 is offered soon after this class and is suggested to complete the foundation of this life-changing and empowering practice.
Retake this class for $195. There is always more to experience and learn.
Registration. Send payment and email me at [email protected] with your name and phone number.
Call me with any questions. Blessings, Janet 973-647-2500