The Soul Self: Your better half

You are a physical and non-physical being. As the saying goes, as within so without, as above so below. This world is filled with polarities and you are no different. Just as you have a physical body so do you have a non-physical body aka your soul/energy field. That non-physical part of you where you can just FEEL things, even if you have no physical reason to feel that way; that non-physical part of you where you just KNOW things without any physical proof; that voice you can hear inside your head without actually seeing it or moving your lips; the part of you that allows you to dream while you’re sleeping; and even within those dreams things can seem so real, why is that? It is because the non-physical part of you is just as real and active as your physical self whether you’re aware of it or not. Most people try to discredit this non-physical reality because of the physical world we live in. We have been programmed to always look for tangible proof; if our normal five senses cannot detect it than it must not be true. I mean that is why we typically ignore out intuition right? But then what happens? We end up wishing we would’ve listened. But you can delve deeper by simply asking what was I before I came into this physical form? Before the sperm met the egg? Your non-physical is actually more important than your physical because these sixth senses are your guidance during your human experience. The more you begin to tune into these senses the more you’ll trust them and see just how real they are.

   Your non-physical self aka soul does not work off of logic and proof as your mind does, it does not need for something to make “sense” because this non-physical part of you is connected to God/ spirit guides/angels, Infinite Intelligence or whatever you wish to call it; and this higher form of energy always have a greater perspective than you do, because we always base our perspectives based off what is physically in front of us but what is physically in front of us is not always accurate. For instance, a “fact” can be challenged; there is always an exception to the rule. So what was once known as a “fact” can quickly be changed to non-factual as soon as someone else comes along and discredit that “fact” with an opposing experience. Here’s an example for all of my Power fans. In this season Ghost is being indicted for the murder of Greg Knox, they have “physical” evidence that he did it; the fingerprints, the gun found in his club; however he did not do it! Now most people may FEEL that he is innocent, yet there’s physical evidence but something just still doesn’t add up. Now instead of listening to your intuition, most would give into the “physical” evidence saying it must be true. Do you see how relying solely on your physical senses can lead you astray? Things aren’t always as they seem and that is why it is imperative to nurture and be in tune with your non-physical senses. Can you imagine how many things you may have misjudged because your physical senses portrayed one thing although deep inside you felt something else? How many opportunities you may have missed or you may have even given up on the love of your life. Start trusting more into those feelings, dreams, inner knowing and visions. They are just as real, if not realer, than what is shown in your physical surroundings. 


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