The Soul Renewed
Earl Menchhofer
Author, Speaker, Coach, Pastor. Using my experience and passion to help you bounce back from life storms and adversity; to thrive instead of survive.
He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. Psalm 23:2 (TEV)
My youngest brother, Dale, and I in May 2022 made a cross-country road trip from the Atlanta area to Seattle. We took the southern route through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington. Our driving adventure took us through Death Valley in California.
Death Valley is a desert valley in eastern California, in the northern Mojave Desert. It is thought to be the hottest place on Earth during summer. Needless to say, there is very little vegetation. Only small-leaf shrubs and desert grasses in rocky and sandy soil.
My brother and I were very grateful, after driving many hours through Death Valley, to get through the desert. In essence, we found an oasis - a place for shade, food and water, rest and fuel.
Friend, when you travel through a desert area you are refreshed when you finally come to "fields of green grass and quiet pools of fresh water." Invigorating water. In like manner, the dried up human spirit becomes as fields of green grass when the pools of fresh water flow through mind and heart. The soul is renewed. It becomes serene and develops new energy. The spirit ascends to a new elevation.
Thus, when your spirit is low, when you are going through challenges, or perhaps when you are running on empty, turn to the Shepherd of your Heart. Take the Shepherd's hand as you are led to fields of green grass, to quiet pools of fresh water. Rejoice that the Shepherd will guide you in the direction and give you new strength. Even if you go through the deepest darkest, do not be afraid, for God is with you. You will be protected by the Shepherd's rod and staff.
My friend, be grateful for the spiritual cure: He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul, He leads me in the right direction. Your soul is renewed. Your spirit ascends to a new direction. Thanks be to God.
#stayinthegame #spiritrenewed #soulrenewed #rest