Soul Journey Is Coming Soon!
SouIt IS coming soon! I promise. LOL.
"Soul Journey is about a man’s recollection of his life and the decisions he made during that life at the time of his imminent departure from his Earthly manifestation. The main character, Jason, recounts his defining moments with his manservant, best friend, and confidant, Jeb. Jason tells his life’s journeys. Journeys related to finding his soulmate and life partner, the evolution of matters of the heart, the development of his spiritual essence, the discoveries of his truth, the manifestation of his hidden talents, and finally, those moments in his life that acted as bridges to the fulfillment of his life’s destiny.
The stories and tales woven in the ensuing pages will be those that many who read them will intimately embrace their lessons. They will most certainly be able to transpose themselves into Jason’s life, whether male or female, and be one with Jason’s feelings, emotions, and turmoil. They will be able to experience his triumphs, as well as his defeats, but most importantly, be given the encouragement and fortitude they need to carry on in the face of challenging odds, and the battles of life, which knock us down and around.
It is not what happens to us but how we handle that which happens to us. Jason’s character, hopefully, will give readers the fire they need to see that they can achieve anything they wish. As long as they believe, have hope, and most importantly, believe in themselves and their abilities inbred within them at their birth, anything is possible."