Freedom of the Soul
Dr. Stephen D. Jones
First Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO
February 9, 2014
2 Corinthians 3:4-6, 17-18
The soul as a reality is hard to deny.
It’s also hard to define.
We believe there is a soul within human beings.
But no surgeon can extract your soul, or sew stitches upon it.
It is there, yet it cannot be physically located. It is the only part of you that isn’t merely physical. Yet, there seems little debate among atheists or agnostics or poets or adherents of faith that we have a soul. But what is it? One interesting phenomenon about human beings is how deeply we can go within. There is an inner realm to our existence that seems nearly infinite. Indeed, I have known people so captivated by the inner realm, their psychic, their soul, that they seem to get lost within to the point that they neglect their outer relationships and responsibilities to the world around them. It is possible to go within and get lost. It is like the layers of an onion. How deep do you go? You can peel away one layer and discover a deeper layer underneath. There surely is an outer journey for human beings: discovery of the world around us. And there surely is an inner journey: discovery of the world within us.
Dreams, intuitions, illuminations, revelations, insights, hopes, faith, desires, conscience, the will – are these merely biological functions of the brain – nothing more? Do neurons and cells and synapses explain it all? Is there a soul at the destination of an inner journey that defies scientific explanation? Do we have a soul that we yearn to know or to cultivate? Is the soul part of the human mystery? I have also known people who completely ignore the inner journey. They seem not to know themselves well nor be very interested. They seem lost in the physical minutia, the day to day mundane of life. Or seem so busy doing that they rarely if ever focus upon being. I don’t know if you have ever walked a Labyrinth. The labyrinth goes back to medieval times in the church. It is a spiritual walk. One reason I enjoy walking the Labyrinth is because it combines doing (in this case, walking) with being (in this case, quiet meditation). A labyrinth walk brings my consciousness together in a holistic way: doing and being. I’d like to bring a labyrinth walk to First Baptist Church during Lent. Certainly Jesus modeled the balance between being and doing. So many times, it is reported that Jesus went off into the mountains by himself on retreat or went off to pray with his disciples. And then of course we are well aware of the way he taught, healed, and had compassion on the crowds, as well as the way he confronted hypocrisy and oppression. He held in balance being and doing. He calls us to do the same. What is the “being” of human being? What is the “deep within” of our existence? Where do we go on an “inner journey?” I suspect we might agree that faith emanates from the deepest core of our being. Faith is the most profound trust, that we continually shape from the innermost part of our being. In this definition, everyone has faith, everyone shapes faith. Those who are suicidal reflect a profound crisis of faith.
Their?lives no longer seem trustworthy. I suspect you know the meaning of a soul mate? It isn’t necessarily a lover, or even romantic. It is someone with whom you connect on such a deep and profound level, revealing your soul, one to the other. It is a soul friend. I hope you have one…at least, one. What does it mean that we are “made in God’s image?” Does it mean that God looks like us or that we look like God? Of course not. I think it refers to that essential goodness and blessing that is at the heart of each one of us. When you look at our actions on the surface of our lives, it is often hard to recognize goodness and the divine spark. But, planted deep within, in our inner core, rests the image of God in which we were created. God is within us, within each and every one of us, and our souls are the depository of God’s image and God’s love. At our core is eternal love. We can minimize our souls, even attempt to destroy them. Jesus asked, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose one’s own soul?” (Mk 8:36) Oscar Wilde once stated, “How strange a thing this is! The Priest telleth me that the Soul is worth all the gold in the world, and merchants say it is not worth a clipped piece of silver.” Do you believe in the immortality of the soul? We read in Genesis, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7) Paul wrote in affirming the resurrection of the dead, “What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.” (1 Cor. 15:42) Paul said, there is a perishable body, our physical body, which will die, and there is an imperishable or spiritual body, the soul, which, made in the image of God, is eternal. If there is any part of us that is immortal, it is this essence, our soul. Carl Jung once wrote, “I simply believe that some part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to the laws of space and time.” I grew up in a religion of the heart. What mattered was the feeling dimension. What mattered was that Jesus was in my heart. What mattered were strong feelings. Sometime later, around the time that I came to this church, I began valuing a religion of the head. What mattered was a faith that made intellectual sense. A logical, thinking faith?mattered. What mattered were right beliefs. I want to suggest this morning that there may be a third way, and that is the religion of the soul, which neither negates feeling or thinking. A religion of the soul goes deep spiritually, and is free to explore the depths of one’s being, the depths of God, the depths of the Spirit, the depths of wisdom. How does a person “go deep” into the soul? I would suggest that there are good practices of meditation, silence, prayer, contemplation, imagination and soulful conversation. The human soul grows deeper and more profound as life’s experiences come our way. The soul is shaped by our experiences of grief and loss and what we learn from them. The soul is shaped by our experiences of sympathy that pours out of us and into others. The soul is shaped by reverence and awe. Stand in a forest and take in the wonder of what God has created. Stand in awe of what you see and the soul is deepened. The soul is shaped by art and poetry and wisdom and music. The soul is shaped by soulful friends. Thomas Merton went so far as to say that “every moment and every event of everyone’s life on earth plants something in the soul.” C.S. Lewis said, “You don’t have a soul – you are a soul.” Yet, while everyone is a soul – some people don’t seem too interested in soul exploration. They don’t dig deep – they run along the surface. And a religion that appeals to the surface has great crowd appeal in our society today. But that does not appeal to me. I want to be in a faith community that delves into the mystery of the soul and allows freedom to everyone to find their own way. For I believe that one meets God in the soul as surely as I think one can meet God in a forest or at the seashore or in the star-spangled sky. Go deep! And meet God! As I was thinking about this sermon, I thought of that expression so popular with many Baptists, the idea of soul-winning. I know what is meant by it: that without Christ, the soul is lost and those who are involved in the saving of souls win those souls for Christ. If you want to hear me say something heretical this morning, I shall oblige, for I don’t like the concept of soul-winning. The last thing I would want to do is to triumph over your soul, or to take possession of your soul, to win your soul, as in winning the lottery. What shall I do with it when I have won it? There are religious leaders who seem to enjoy confiscating or monopolizing the souls of others – as if they could. I would be delighted to introduce you to the love of Christ, and deeply moved for you to allow that love to touch your very soul. But “soul-winning” sounds triumphal, like a military victory, like a numbers game. How many souls have you won? Hopefully, none. Souls are not meant for winning. They are meant to be deeply respected, even a tormented soul, especially a tormented soul. Never allow me or anyone else to take over your soul. I would be honored if you would reveal some part of your soul with me – and may I never take advantage, may I treat you with respect, yea, even with reverence if indeed the soul is where God’s love is revealed. Soul liberty seems the opposite to me of soul-winning. Soul liberty is my encouraging, or helping to create, the space for you to shape your own soul, to form your own faith, without my attempt to control or interfere or manipulate. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? That at First Baptist Church we create a climate where people are free to shape their own soul, their own spiritual responses, their own relationship to Christ, their own experience of God’s love, their own encounter with the wisdom of the Bible? What’s happening these days at First Baptist Church? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to say: soul liberty flourishes? Soul liberty is a freedom dear to Baptists. It grants each person the right to shape one’s own faith, to reach within the soul to form one’s own responses. We don’t corral people; we don’t crusade people; we grant people the spiritual space to approach God and to follow the dictates of their own soul. We don’t ask for allegiance to a creed; we don’t urge conformity. We invite individuals to approach God in Christ and then to create a style of discipleship that makes sense to themselves. One little girl was not about to allow her teacher to impose upon her freedom to think. The little girl was telling her teacher the story about Jonah being swallowed by the whale. The teacher said, “Lydia, that’s physically impossible because a whale’s mouth is actually very small.” Lydia argued her point, but the teacher remained firm, “A whale cannot swallow a human being.” Lydia said, “When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher said, “What if Jonah went to hell?” Lydia responded, “Then you ask him.” Lydia seemed to understand that soul liberty is a precious right, worth defending. There aren’t many places in this world that aren’t trying to push you in a certain direction. There aren’t many places that respect the value of questions, or the value of a spiritual quest, without censorship. Of course, members our church have found deep faith in God as revealed through Jesus Christ. This is the core of our faith. But no one needs us to defend the borders, or to treat those at the margins of our faith with severity. We need only be clear as to the center and allow God’s Holy Spirit to work around the edges. What we offer in soul liberty is an environment where faith can be freely shaped and where tools and resources are offered that assist people in their faith development. So many times down through the years I have served churches that practice soul liberty and we have offered this to people, and they have come alongside us for a time, enjoying the freedom found in our midst. And then, in freedom, they move on – and do so with our blessing that their spiritual search will lead to their own well-being. Soul liberty is not individualistic. We believe as Baptists that it is a social endeavor, and should occur in a communal context. It is the only way we can remain on a faithful path. My mother enjoys telling the story of visiting her brother’s church in Casper, Wyoming. And in a Sunday School class, an old rancher was speaking. He said, “I just can’t understand how folks in your part of the country have racial prejudice against black people. It’s just wrong.” But within a few minutes, in a different context, the same man said, “Now as for the Indians, they are all a bunch of drunken good - for - nothings.” Casper, of course, has very few African Americans and many Native?Americans. And that narrowness of vision, to not catch our own bias, to not see our narrow assumptions, is the reason soul liberty must be practiced communally. Baptist scholar of years ago, William Newton Clarke said, “Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.” We do that best with soulful friends. In the 1800’s, Baptist leader Francis Wayland stated, “We have always proclaimed that every child of God has the right, in his own person, of drawing near to God through the intercession of the one and only Mediator and High Priest…”, Jesus the Christ. Wayland warned against the “universal tendency of teachers of Religion to…assert dominion over the conscience, and to use the power which they have usurped for their own advantage.” (Baptist Roots, Judson Press, p. 221) In defending soul liberty, Wayland said that Baptists “have always believed in the absolute right of private Judgment in all matters of Religion…” (222) Voices like Wayland’s should reverberate through the halls of this church. Despite the stereotypes about us, we must tell the world about this wonderful gift of soul liberty. We must tell them, “You do not know the ?Baptists: for we are a freedom loving people!”
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#Phlebologist #obstetrics?#Endocrinologist?#Psycholoncology #Gynaecologist
#Musculosketetal #Ophthalmologist?#diabetologist?#Endocrinologist
#biochemistry?# Molecularbiology?#neurobiology?#Rhinology
#OtoRhinoLaryngology #neurogeneticist?#neurodegenerativeconditions
#endophenotype #deaddiction #psychoanalytically?#NeurocriticalCare #Epidemiology
#Cardiothoracic?# Anesthesiologist?#atypicalbrain?#Electrophysiologist
#Dermatovenerologist???#Farmalogist??#Dermatovenerologist #tramatologist
#Prodantim #Mitochondrial #oligodendrocytes #caloricrestriction #longevity #activator #sirtuinsactivation #cellmembran #oxidativestress #moleculeNAD #cytoplasmicmembran #plasmamembran #detoxification #antiinflammatory #cytoprotectivemechanisms #theoryofaging #receptors #mentalsharpness #leakygut #brainmapping #NSG #BSCG #NIH #biohacking?#DNA #healinghydrodissection #spinalcord #lumbar #epiduraspace #Ketamine #PTSD #hyperbaricoxygen #antiaging #obesity #weightlose #equilibrium #AlcoholicsAnonymous?#sublingually #transrectally #NADmolecule?#subcutaneously #transdermally #trimethylglycine #glycline #oxygentherapy #hydrodissection #supplementation?RegenerativeMedicineforNerve #Neuropathicpain #Bioresetmedical? #absorb #physicalenergy #scienice #neurotransmitter#digestion #sleep #memory #proteins?#orthopedic #Anesthesiologist #surgeon #Spinalsurgeon #researcher #biochemist #psychiatrist?#psychologist #pediatrics #allergies #pediatricians #podiatry #pain #hand #wrist #podiatrist #Orthopedist #dermatology #hair #skin #dematolgist #itching #mole #rash #children #plasticsugerons #cardiology #vascular #cardiologist?#Cerumenologist?
#psychodynamically??#Endovascular #InternalMedicine #neurologicalsurgery
#acutekideneyinjuries?#gynecologic #angiology??#Hepatology?#electrophysiology
#gerontology?#musculoskeletal?#Cardiothoracic?#dermatologist #Tenercologist
#Salamanca??#Verocruz??#chetumal??#Michoacan #Cordoba??#Colima
#Guaymas?#Navojoa?#Comitan #Veracruz?#Manzanillo?#Fresmillo
#SanLuisPotosi?#HermosiLLo?# Sonora?#Villahermosa?#Reynosa
#Dermatovenerologist?#embryologist?#Epidemiologist #Naturopathich??
#WholisticNutritional #gastroenterologist #cerebroVascularandskull?#myofascial
#musculoskeltal??#Rheumatiologis??#principalImmunology?#disease #dermatoveneorology?#vestibulam?#urologist?#Cardiopneumologista??
#Algeria?#Angola?#Benin?#Botswana?# BurkinaFaso?#Burundi
#CaboVerde?#Cameroon?# CentralAfricanRepublic
#Togo?#UnitedRepublicofTanzania?#Uganda #Zambia
#Zimbabwe?#Africaterritories #Mayotte???#Reunion??
#TrinidadandTobago #AmericasTerritories??
?#Afghanistan?# Bahrain?#Djibouti??#Egypt?#Iran?#Iraq
#OccupiedPalestinianTerritory #Europe??
#Hungary?# Iceland??#Ireland?#Israel?# Italy?#Kazakhstan
#SeattlePacificUniversity?#AsburyUniversity??#GenevaCollege #HopeCollege
#IndianaWesleyanUniversity?#HoustonBaptistUniversity #LibertyUniversity
#MidAmericaNazareneUniversity?#LancasterBibleCollege #BiolaUniversity
#CentralCollege?#TheKingsCollegeNewYorkCity #GroveCityCollege
M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte??[AMARE]
Sylvia Bonaparte
code: 1927889
Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]
Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
2 年READ: 5/28/2022 SOUL FREEDOM ~~~ Our second distinctive Baptist belief is in soul freedom - this is the affirmation that each person has the right and responsibility to deal personally with God without the imposition of creed, clergy, or civil government.? “No one is forced to believe because no one can be forced to believe… to try to make someone believe what they honestly cannot believe exploits both the individual and the biblical meaning of faith.” ~~~ Walter B. Shurden ?Baptists believe and affirm that we were all created in the image of God - and that includes having the capacity to make moral, spiritual, and religious decisions for ourselves. our Baptist founders wanted freedom from state-enforced religion because “they thought that the freedom of the human spirit was worth saving. They rebelled against the priority of institutionalism because they believed that the priority of the individual was worth saving.”? LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
3 年Read: "Your Money" by Sharon Waters WHAT A WILL WON'T DO Learn how to sidestep estate planning pitfalls That last will and testament you have tucked away? It may not be the last word on what happens to your stuff after you are gone. Instead, that legal document's directives' for doling out your wealth may be overruled by other ruled by other paperwork and relevant laws. "A will is a document of last resort to transfer assets," says Eido Walny, a Milwaukee estate attorney. "There are a lot of ways to transfer assets that would preempt the terms of a will." Here are some major assets that often fall outside a will's scope, along with tips for getting them to the people or organizations you want. >>> RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS <<< When it come to 401(k)s, IRAs and pensions, the person or people listed as beneficiaries may end up receiving those assets regardless of what your will says (though state laws may sometimes intervene). That's because you've already told your plan administrator or investment firm how to handle the asset after your death, explains Portia M. Wood, a Los Angeles Country estate attorney. "There's no longer a need for probate court interference," she says. This can cause sticky situations, such as when you want your spouse to inherit everything, but your ex-spouse is still the beneficiary of your 401 (K). Against your wishes, your ex may get those funds. "Many ex-spouses are no willing to say, 'Oh, I know it was a mistake. Let the current spouse have the money,'" says Atlanta financial planner Kamila Elliott. Another problem can arise if no primary beneficiaries are alive and no contingent beneficiaries were named. Then the recipient could be determined by the default terms set when the account was opened. >>> LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES <<< As is the case with retirement accounts, a life insurance policy's beneficiary listing, not your will, generally determines who gets the money. So again, you could accidentally leave a policy pay - out to your ex. But both insurance and divorce are chiefly covered by state law, which can vary. (In contrast, private - sector retirement investments are primarily governed by federal laws.) Some states - Minnesota, for example automatically revoke the beneficiary designation of an ex-spouse on a life insurance policy. The rules can be complicated, so the safest strategy is to update beneficiaries on all insurance policies and investments after a divorce. "You should not fall into the trap of trying to figure out which is a state account and which is a federal account. Just update all of them," Walny says. A Divorce agreement, however, might include a provision that an ex-spouse receives life insurance proceeds, notes Walny; in that instance, the policyholder should affirm that election with the insurance company once the divorce is final. >>> BANK ACCOUNTS <<< If an account is titled as transfer on death (TOD), payable on death (TOD), payable on death (POD) or joint tenancy with right of survivorship (JTWROS), those designations generally override the will, says Reggie Fairchild, a South Carolina financial planner. Your account's signature card would indicate if any of these designations apply; you can ask your bank to look up your card if you aren't sure. For individual accounts titled TOD or POD, the beneficiary can go to the bank with proof of identity to transfer or collect the funds. JTWROS accounts become the property of the surviving account holder, who will need to show the bank a death certificate for the other account holder. >>> REAL ESTATE <<< If two spouses own a home jointly with right of survivorship, the property automatically passes to the remaining spouse without a court's involvement. Real estate can also be transferred outside a will in certain states, such as Wisconsin, through a TOD deed, in which you many the beneficiary on the property, Walny says. >>> TRUSTS <<< Any asset in a trust is not governed by a will, making trust a other tool for distributing assets outside of probate court, Wood says. But after a trust is set up, you need to retitle accounts, change beneficiaries or take other measures so that each asset you want to put into the trust will actually end up there. Be aware that, under the 2019 Secure Act, most trusts have lost the ability to stretch IRA distributions over many decades; now, in most cases, those distributions need to be paid out within 10 years, similar to the case with nontrust IRAs, says Ed Slott, founder of LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
3 年READ: 1/23/2022 ~~~ Spiritual Perspectives ~~~ African-Americans deserve our honor and respect for the amazingly resilient culture they have developed; for the survival skills they have marshaled in the face of slavery, injustice, and persecution; for the spiritual resources they have sustained; and for keeping their souls alive in tough times. We have chosen films about African-Americans reviewed from our spiritual perspective as one of the many ways to celebrate Black History Month in February. Some of the films focus on historical figures such as Paul Robeson, the renowned singer; Malcolm X, activist for justice; Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice; and Ernie Davis, the first black football player to win the Heisman Trophy. The movies range freely across time from the days when freedom was seen as the Holy Grail to the contemporary scene in a riveting documentary of courageous warriors for peace on Chicago's violent streets. Here you will find inspiring stories about the lifelines of community, friendship, and mentoring. You can cheer Miss Jane Pittman on as she marches for civil rights and weep as you watch Ruby Bridges, a first-grader who advanced the cause of integration in an all-white school in Louisiana in 1960. We felt our blood boiling as we watched the playing out of racial hatred in police stations, in the criminal justice system, in the military, in schools, and in white suburban communities. Race and class cast a large and ominous shadow over America and that is evident in films about the shabby treatment of black survivors of Hurricane Katrina and in the struggles faced by inter-racial couples. But then, other more positive images come to mind like the camaraderie in black barbershops, in the wisdom of an elder tutoring a young black girl for a spelling bee, in the woman who says that "soul food is about cooking from the heart," and, last but not least, in the dynamic and dramatic singing of James Brown in concert. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [Tri Synergizer ] ? ? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
3 年Reading 1/12/2022 ***** HOLY SPIRIT ***** HE TRINITY A There is one God manifested in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (1 Timothy 3:16). B. I think the term "triunity" more clearly indicates the "Three-in-One" aspect of the Godhead. C. In Hebrew, the singular word for God is El, the dual tense is Elah, and to indicate three or more the word Elohim is used. Elohim is the word translated "God" in?Genesis 1:1. II. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSON. A. The Holy Spirit is thought by some to be an "essence" or "power" of God rather than a separate person, because "Ruach", the Hebrew word for Spirit, also means breath, and "pneuma", the Greek word for Spirit, also means wind or air. We as Christians know He is a person. The early Church scholar, Arias, caused division with his declaration that God the Father was the only true God, that Jesus was a created being, and the Holy Spirit was only an essence. This doctrine is known as the Arian heresy. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte?[AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizes] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @Sylvia Bonaparte
Business strategist, Entrepreneur
3 年11/26/2021 AARP JUNE / JULY Continue. . . HOW to JUST KEEP LIVIN' HOW to JUST KEEP LIVIN'' HOW to JUST KEEP LIVIN'' The challenge with my book Green-lights was: How do I show the humanity in my stories through just the written word? I didn't have the ability to perform it or show you my raised eyebrow or give you pregnant pause. You couldn't see my wet eyes when I'm telling you about my mom and dad fighting, to understand I'm not crying because it was a horror story - I'm crying because it was a love story. ***** I WAS THE GO-TO rom-com guy. I enjoyed making them and they paid well. I was leading a successful life as an actor. But there's a certain buoyancy built into rom-coms that isn't about hanging your hat on humanity, like a drama is. You stay light. If you go deep in a room-com you can sink the ship. In my life, though, I was going very deep. I found the love of my life in Camila. We had a newborn coming. I had more things to get angry about, laugh about, have more joy about and be sad about. The ceilings and basements had more depth and height to them, and I wanted to do work that reflected my personal vitality. But no matter how much of a pay cut I would take; dramas were not being offered to me. So, I quit, I talked to my wife, my agent and my business manager and Look, I may not work for a while." And trust me, my family - my brothers my mother, everybody - thought was out of my freaking mind. They were like, "Little brother, what's your major malfunction?" It was scary. But Camila said, "If we're going to do this, we're not going to half-ass it." So, I went on a sabbatical away from Hollywood. I said no to every room-com scrip that came my way. I turned down one for $14.5 million. Word got around Holly wood I'd done that, and they said, "McConaughey's not bluffing. Quit sending him romantic comedies!" No offers came in for almost a year and a half. I was now shaking hands with the fact that I may never work in Hollywood again. It pinched me a little, but I was Ok with it. It was time for a new chapter in my life. You didn't see me in your living room or movie theater in a rom-com. You didn't see me shirtless on the beach every weekend in Malibu. "Where'd McConaughey go?'' I found anonymity. And then what happened? Lincoln Lawyer, Killer Joe, Bernie, Magic Mike, Mud, True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club. I unbranded those two years to then rebrand. All of a sudden, I became a new, novel idea. The dramas came my way and I jumped on them. And now I'm pivoting again. In my next chapter I'll step into some sort of leadership position, but I don't know what that is yet. Politics? Another book? A ministry? The crux of it is to help others. We're coming out of a time of limbo and evolving, as people and as a nation. We've got to come together and have some sort of unity - I think everyone can agree we can use that. ***** AFTER GEORGE FLOYD died, we sat down with our kids [Levi 12, Vida, 11, and Livingston, 8] - mainly with the eldest two - and talked about it. We talked about the race problem historically and about how unfair that was to someone because of the color of their skin. Camila is Brazilian. My kids didn't understand what the color of skin had to do with anything. We talked about needing law and order, and I said, "Do you see where that person was irresponsible with his position of power and why? This is not how we treat any human." I want my kids to be conscientious and understand the world we live in and that there are certain expectations, rules and regulations. But hey, be an original thinker, too. The next generation gets it. It's beautiful when Camila and I overhear our children talk about a friend, and then the friend shows up and that friend has darker skin - but we didn't know because they never said, "Oh, my friend who's Black.." It's not even in their context of how to define someone. But what about us, the adults in control right now? After COVID, George Floyd and civil unrest, we need to look back and say, "Ok, there are changes that need to be made. Can we come out of this changed for the better? Has our floor been shaken enough that we'll reevaluate or recompose our value system?'' We're never going to be perfect. But that doesn't mean we say, "Well, if we'll never get there, I'm not fighting for it." We keep going after it. You get up and you take another swing and you passed on to us - and that generation passes it on to the next. And hopefully we make small escalations and get a little closer, a little bit better, and more evolved. John Mellencamp's "Pink Houses" is about how it ought to be. The song is a love story about America and its potential. I see America like I see individuals - whether we know it or not, we'er trying to chase our better selves, our truer selves, our more transcended selves, our more transcended selves. ***** OUTLAW LOGIC IS the individualism of my family's thinking. Don't follow the flock with how you're supposed to think or what you're supposed to like or what you're supposed to wear or what game you're supposed to play or what entertainment you're supposed to like or how you're supposed to treat somebody. They're rule breakers. If you had to put it in political terms, I'd say they are libertarian. They always were. My mom, at 89, is still the queen of outlaw logic. She was a teacher for 39 years and never had her damn certificate. She bluffed her way in and told the head of the school, "My papers are coming from the last school," and then she ingratiated her way in. And she's also sensitive and understands people and is a great listener. All the kids and other teachers were like, "She's a great teacher!" So the head of the school quit asking for her papers. I've seen my family break rules to make happen what they want to make happen - good things. They weren't tyrants. Tyrants are not welcome here. Don't come in here and try to take advantage and do the proverbial rape and pillage. No, that's not going to fly. But renegades? Yeah. As a child, I got a whupping for lying or saying. "I can't." That was based on my parents' outlaw logic. What did that do for me? I learned skills I'd need to negotiate life once I was out of the house. As an exchange student in Australia, I was lost and confused, but I never thought, I can't. Instead, I created disciplines for myself that gave me structure and kept my feet on the ground - being celibate, being a vegetarian, running six miles a day Outlaw logic. This year I watched the Super Bowl, and talk about an exceptional individual with outlaw logic - Tom Brady. Look at him! Superhuman! He defied age expectations. If people do that every once in a while, in sport, it makes us all think: I was thinking I'd be done at 38, but Brady's 43. Maybe I'll extend my expectations of how long I can play whatever proverbial game it is we're playing in life. What can I achieve? Now, I've never done a Western - not sure why. I did The Newton Boys, but they were more bank robbers. Governor of Texas? Yeah. That'd be kind of a Western, for sure. So, I see a Western in my future, one way or another. ***** FOR FUN? we love to cook. We love a good bottle of wine. We love a good bourbon. Also enjoy thoughts and ideas. I still love banging on drums, whether they're congas, remember or bongos. I've not found any place where a little bit of a jig is the wrong time. Even if it's just a little bit of a sway, you can find a rhythm anyway, and relaxing. I like breaking a sweat on the dance floor late into the wee hours. I have to pick my spots. I don't like doing it on a so -called school night anymore, because the next day it's just... But I do like to pick my spots, and that's why I love Friday night. I like Friday more than Saturday, because I got two open days to follow. I try not to recklessly go out there whenever and just have as good a time as I want. I've got my big concert speakers in the other room. Camila and I like to have out late - night dancing here. Music's incredibly important for me in my life and I know I'm happier for it. I'm always looking to find the music in a situation. And in times when I'm not as happy, most of the time I can go back and go, "You're not listening to the music!" ?Linkedin: M. S. A.? Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @Syliva Bonaparte