The Soul of Culture ? 2019 Vol.1 ISBN 978-976-96294-8-6 William Anderson Gittens
Dr. William Anderson Gittens D.D.
CEO & Managing Director, Author -Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015
The admission and the profoundness of the Soul has activated the contours of my thinking to the extent that I felt inspired and was motivated to philosophize The Soul of Culture ? 2019?Volume1. ISBN ?978-976-96294-8-6
Presumably, global citizens and The Soul of Culture are in·ex·tri·ca·bly link although not antithetical yet has become an infectious, ad nauseam conversation within every geographical space.
It is because of the aforementioned?that the same is written in response to my reaction to The Soul of Culture which is also characterized as a form of behaviour, which certainly influenced my behavioural analysis.?
This conversation though worthy seeks to promote a concept of human nature in every geographical sphere. ?
According to Richard Nordquist?the words sole and soul are homophones, they sound alike but have different meanings.?The noun sole refers to the underside of a foot or shoe or to a kind of flatfish. The adjective sole means single, solitary, or the only one. The noun soul refers to spirit, a vital principle, the spiritual nature of humans. Although Nordquist interpretation of Sole and Soul are characterized as homophones, yet?they are applied by global citizens with in every global space.?The more that?I drilled down into this subject The Soul of Culture is ostensible. ?
The word sole connotes "bottom of the foot" ("technically, the planta, corresponding to the palm of the hand," Century Dictionary), early 14c., from Old French sole, from Vulgar Latin *sola, from Latin solea "sandal, bottom of a shoe; a flatfish," from solum "bottom, ground, foundation, lowest point of a thing" (hence "sole of the foot"), a word of uncertain origin. In English, the meaning "bottom of a shoe or boot" is from late 14c. ?
Whereas the soul, to many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a living being.?
Soul or psyche (Ancient Greek: ψυχ? psūkh?, of ψ?χειν psū?khein, "to breathe") are the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc.?
Depending on the philosophical system, a soul can either be mortal or immortal. In Judeo-Christianity, only human beings have immortal souls (although immortality is disputed within Judaism and may have been influenced by Plato). For example, the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed "soul" (anima) to all organisms but argued that only human souls are immortal.After examining the above mentioned homophones`interact , arguably, they occupy every geographical cultural space. In this context sole connotes the?bottom?or under?surface?of the?foot while?soul connotes ?religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, which is the incorporeal essence of a living being. ?To get a better grasped of this topic?I thought that it was prudent to discourse this topic through chapters?which acts as lens.
CHAPTER 1HISTORY OF THE SOUL The Merriam-Webster defines soul?as the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.
CHAPTER 2 HISTORY OF CULTURE- Culture and Adaptation The Origins of Culture
Culture is a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of human phenomena that cannot be attributed to genetic inheritance. ?The term ” culture ” has two meanings: (1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act creatively; and (2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world acted creatively and classified or represented their experiences.
Although Richard Nordquist advocates that sole and soul?are deemed homophones. However, this conversation is predicated on the fact that from time immemorial it appears global citizens comprises of soul, body mind and spirit. Therefore?global citizens and the Soul of culture were intractably link and as a consequence they are not antithetical ?but has become an infectious, ad nauseam conversation within every geographical space.?I wish to advanced the theory that all things being equal presumably this admission is presumably accepted as a way of life as practiced by global citizens whose make up comprises of?a soul , a?body, a mind and a spirit ,according to the Rt Revd Prof N. T. Wright?University of St Andrews.
It is reported by Richard A. Peterson that the production of culture perspective focuses on the ways in which the content of symbolic elements of culture are shaped by the systems within which they are created, distributed, evaluated, taught, and preserved. ?
Kris Vallotton asked the pertinent question Are You Aware of Your Soul Needs? Vallotton further elaborates when external beauty is a manifestation of the healthy soul that lies within you, it feels authentic, real, and attractive. But when the soul within you is drowning, starving, ignored, and unkempt, everything you do on the outside is futile. So beauty is then much more all-encompassing than what our society tries to lead us to believe.
People within organizations vary in terms of culture, values and behaviour and age gaps. With these intrinsic individual differences it is a challenge for managers/supervisors how to manage motivating these employees in terms of their differences.?
Human behaviour is affected both by genetic inheritance and by experience. The ways in which people develop are shaped by social experience and circumstances within the context of their inherited genetic potential. The scientific question is just how experience and hereditary potential interact in producing human behavior.
Lillian Fallon aptly put my theoretical expression the Soul of Culture?under the caption What My Faith Taught Me About the Power of Fashion Keep the Faith, Belief has implicitly and explicitly stated So, how exactly did this impact how I viewed fashion? My thought process was this: “If the body manifests the soul, why can’t the things we wear aid in this expression of the human person?”
This intellectual conversation concludes by categorically stating that according to Cathy Caswell Culture In our hearts and soul. Our beliefs are formed from active experience rather than passive learning: We often rely on teaching in a classroom and promoting through media to communicate what we wish to create as a culture. But our beliefs have been created from our early life experiences that were rich with emotion.?
After gleaning through this information collated regarding The Soul of Culture, it is evident that What is considered to be acceptable human behaviour?varies from culture to culture and from time period to time period.?Different boundaries may also be drawn depending on the particular aspect of interest, such as religion and folklore vs. dress and architecture vs. language.Finally, this e-publication is implicit and explicit and it also seeks evoke an intellectual consciousness within every global citizen.
William Anderson GittensAuthor, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher,Podcaster CEO Devgro Media Arts Services?2015,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015 ISBN?978-976-96294-8-6
?Gittens,William Anderson,Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher,CEO Devgro Media Arts Services?2015,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Pub-lishing?2015
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Peter Eardley and Carl Still, Aquinas: A Guide for the Perplexed (London: Continuum, 2010), pp. 34–35
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