S.O.S Save our Souls. The World is at a Great Risk.
Admiral Peter Kikareas
President at World Foundation For Peace and Security, World Communicator.
The predictability of a social system depends, among other things, on its degree of complexity, whether its essential mechanisms are automatic or volitional, and whether the system requires key members to act against their short-run interests in order to work properly. Negotiated (sometimes referred to as “constitutional”) orders are complex systems that rely on ad hoc human choices and require actors to choose voluntarily to subordinate their immediate interests to communal or remote ones (e.g., in collective security systems). As such, how they actually perform when confronted with a disturbance that trips the alarm, so to speak, will be highly unpredictable. In contrast, the operation of a balance-of-power system is fairly automatic and therefore highly predictable. It simply requires that states, seeking to survive and thrive in a competitive, self-help realm, pursue their short-run interests; that is, states seek power and security, as they must in an anarchic order
After the world war two we entered the cold war where we had two Superpowers the USSR and NATO and there was a balance of powers. Following the collapse of USSR, we entered a period where strong militaries as those of the USSR collapsed and others from NATO were reduced extremely too much leaving the USA to be the one Super power again with very much reduced Navy and capabilities to be all around the world and protect all interests of the USA and its partners. This changed even more following the 9/11 where USA was actively engaged in many state wars against mainly terrorism. During these wars which have brought the world upside down with the increased Islamic countries and their proxies like, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Turkey and asymmetric threats from jihadists groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS and many other similar to them. During this last period China and Russia have also risen and created alliances to challenge USA and NATO which though increased in the number of States is not tight enough like the one during the cold war and does not have the same military defense capabilities making it to depend on members who are playing in many tables against NATO rules like Turkey which is an Islamic State with expansionism plans and acts against other NATO members and EU members like Greece and Cyprus, challenging EU, NATO and USA openly.
At this moment, the world is at a stage of chaotic order, where many countries are seeking power challenging USA which has been the only Superpower since 1990. Europe is struggling with Muslims who came massively mainly from Syria through Turkey but also from other Muslim Countries of the Middle East and from Africa, seeking to live under Sharia Law and acting different kinds of Jihad. This movement is being funded and encouraged by globalists and their NGO, s trying to do the same here in the U.S.A.
Several Countries in Europe have closed their borders and have gone the other way to protect their ethnicity and values/cultures. The same happens here in U.S.A which has been paying too much for NATO, and demanding trade globalist international trade deals and centers. U.S.A now has many challenges like new trade deals with China, North Korea nuclear tests, Iran aggressive threats and nuclear weapons creation and ballistic missiles tests, and intentions to destroy Israel and hit U.S.A, and close of Hormuz Straits. Turkey’s Islamic turn and independent actions and alliances with Russia and Iran buying against NATO orders and our advice defense systems S-400 from Russia and fighting our Allies.
Some systems are characterized by robust and durable orders. Others are extremely unstable, such that their orders can quickly and without warning collapse into chaos. Like an avalanche, or peaks of sand in an hourglass that suddenly collapse and cascade, or a spider web that takes on an entirely new pattern when a single strand is cut, complex and delicately balanced systems are unpredictable: they may appear calm and orderly at one moment only to become wildly turbulent and disorderly the next. This inherent instability of complex, tightly coupled systems is captured by the popular catch phrase, “the butterfly effect,” coined by the MIT meteorologist, Edward Lorenz, to explain how a massive storm can be caused (or prevented) by the faraway flapping of a tiny butterfly’s wings. The principal lesson of the butterfly effect is that, when incalculably small differences in the initial conditions of a system matter greatly, the world becomes radically unpredictable.Indeed, we can seldom predict what will happen when a new element is added to a system composed of many parts connected in complex ways. Such systems undergo frequent discontinuous changes from shocking impacts that create radical departures from the past.
Unfortunately, we are at this point right now and the Peace of the World is in Great Danger. We need to discriminate who are our Allies and Friends, who share the same values, beliefs and culture and create strong Alliances to regulate this. The gains that we will get through these alliances will be much greater than asking them to pay us to protect them as we need all of us to defend our world and liberties. If we don’t do that a Major War risking becoming a world war might most probably happen.
Admiral Peter Kikareas
World Strategist, Global Security Activist
World Foundation For Peace and Security
Hellenic Aspis & Associates Inc.
Founder & President
Owner the Holy Grail now. Knight Large Cross honour Order Temple of Solomon
5 年you know very well what I am offering you but remain silent, you used to say "thank you, Vadim." The world is in the Last Judgment and you as the apostle of Jesus Christ. I to all like you brought Christ Himself in the Manuscript of the Logos for Reading. You will read aloud and the Spirit of God from the Manuscript of the Word will go through you all over the world around. But you all do not need it. You have not accepted Christ before, and now persecute him. it is amazing to me to see that there is no conscience in you about God. Origen taught that Christ is a Special Being that appears in the Oneness of God the Spirit and Man. I found a Book from God, the only one in the world from which the Spirit will come into you and will live for your salvation and your loved ones, and I don’t give a damn. you will not find this anywhere else in the world. but you will maliciously keep silence further out of your self-interest the Founder of the Peace Fund and the Apostle of Christ ... this is terrible.
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5 年Great piece and insight!! Bravo..
Social Media Assistant at G.M. Pierides Gift & Accessories
5 年Saving one another,? is a way! Best Wishes and Blessings! Kindness and SOLIDARITY for all!
Doktor der Ingnieurwissenschaften
5 年S.O.S. ..........Save? ?Our? ? Salvation? .The world is at a Great? Stress