S.O.S. Humble appeal to heads of premier dairy institutions of India for protecting genuine interests of prime beneficiaries of dairy business
Bhandair Jaswant Singh
Our Company provides guranteed result oriented consulting/advisory services in dairy foods (Specially for India))
Director N.D.R.I. KARNAL, Chairman National Dairy Development Board, M.D. A.M.U.L., President Indian Dairy Association
Subject: S.O.S. Humble appeal to heads of premier dairy institutions of India for protecting genuine interests of needy dairy farmers, health conscious milk consumers and ethical dairy business entrepreneurs.
Respected Excellences
Kindly refer to all communications addressed by our N.R.I Mission during the last few decades to your premier dairy institutions and political leadership of our motherland India. We tried our best to highlight age old unresolved problems listed below and innovative easy to implement solutions of all those problems evolved by our Mission associates. These solutions are intended to win gold for India in dairy Olympics and upgrade status of India from No.1 milk producing country to No.1 globally competitive export oriented nation. (Please find sometime out of your busy schedule to browse through our website apnidairy.com for correlated documentary/video evidence)
There is no instrument or technique available with any dairy business entrepreneur to analyse? true net worth of raw mixed milk received by commercial/cooperative dairy plants through road milk tankers on their dairy dock based on exact % of buffalo milk, cow milk and unpotable added water in that mixed milk. It is also not possible to? cross check and reconcile total milk payment with milk bills being prepared with conventional software using authentic? 60:40 two axis formulae for Buffalo milk and non- patented ? ,1/3rd empirical formula for cow milk evaluation.
Under the prevailing situation it is neither possible for dairy plants in India to procure 100% pure raw mixed milk (without dilution with added water and manipulation of natural S.N.F.: Fat ratio) nor process/pack /market pasteurized milk strictly conforming to international quality specifications relating to purity of contents, microbiological safety and shelf life of two/three weeks (under refrigeration) like pasteurized milk easily available in all western dairy countries.
As per actual case studies conducted by our mission associates we find that even premier dairy institutions like MILKFED Punjab is suffering hidden loss of nearly 600 crore rupees annually due to dilution of milk with added water and manipulation of S.N.F. Fat ratio in milk purchase transaction records (assuming no adulteration except manipulation for converting non potable added water as additional cow milk in milk purchase transaction records).
?Our unresolved and pending public grievance regarding these losses to MILKFED Punjab reported on official portals of honourable Chief Minister Punjab and P.M.O.’s official portal of Government of India provides authentic evidence on this subject directly related with unresolved problem stated above.
Besides it our Mission associate declared complementary award of Rs. Five lacs for any General Manager of MILKFED Punjab or any dairy professional expert in India who can prove that our analysis report based on digital hydro analysis technique (I.P. of our Mission associate) is arithmetically incorrect and not scientifically logical as per authentic 60: 40 two axis formulae. No one has claimed that complementary prize up till now.
During recent meeting of our Mission and associates from Canada with Honourable chief minister Punjab, we have offered free on line advisory services to Milk FED Punjab for one month for eradicating abnormally high hidden loss in milk purchase transactions.
MILKFED Punjab is reluctant to take the solo initiative to discard conventional /obsolete milk procurement/billing /payment system. They have vide their memo no. PSF/QAE/38/11046-48 dated 11.07.2023 addressed to premier dairy institutions of India for seeking your expert advice in this matter and are still waiting for your response.
Our Mission associates have custom designed “VERKA SUKHMANI PATTERN” transparent and accountable milk procurement/billing/payment system for MILKFED PUNJAB (suitable for all cooperative/commercial dairy plants in India) for eradicating menace of manipulation/ adulteration/dilution (M.A.D) in milk purchase transactions and for procuring 100% pure raw mixed milk meeting international quality parameters (without dilution with added water or manipulation of natural S.N.F: Fat ratio).
One of our Mission associate has already provided live demonstration at MILKFED milk plant Ludhiana that even under the conditions now prevailing in India 100% pure raw mixed milk can be procured, processed, packed and marketed as pasteurized milk strictly conforming to international quality requirements.
Our Mission associates have also designed environments friendly milk pasteurizer and milk steriliser machine suitable for operating with solar/ biogas energy for processing /packing pasteurized milk/sterilised milk in glass bottles at point of milk production/collection itself (commercial dairy farms or milk cooperative societies) conforming to international quality parameters having shelf life of two weeks for pasteurized milk and one year for sterilised milk. We have already given successful live demonstration of innovative milk processing techniques at N.D.R.I Karnal and Guru Angad Dev University Ludhiana.
Our NRI mission is extremely sorry to place on record that dairy experts working with premier dairy institutions are knowingly/unknowingly hiding the true facts from respective heads of these institutions related to all our claims, contentions, innovative solutions highlighted above in this presentation.
We, therefore, once again renew our humble request before heads of premier dairy institutions and political leadership of our country to constitute committee of elite dairy experts to critically review all our claims and contentions (duly supported with live demonstration) mentioned in this presentation and genuinely intended to achieve our common cherished goals cited above in the subject.
Wishing good health to milk consumers, wealth to needy dairy farmers and prosperity for ethical dairy business entrepreneurs of India.
With deep sense of gratitude for our GURUKUL N.D.R.I. and all premier dairy institutions of India?
Yours truly
(Jaswant Singh Bhandair)
Mission Director
International Improvement Mission
Director Improvement Innovations Unlimited Incorporated Canada
Life member I.D.A.
C.C. 1 Sh. Narendra Modi Honourable prime minister of India with reference to our pending public grievance reported on your official portal.
???????? 2. Sh. Bhagwant Singh Maan Honourable chief minister Punjab with reference to our pending public grievance reported on your official portal.
??????? 3. Chief Ministers of all states in India
??????? 4. ?All Managing Directors of state Milk Federations