Recent days, Endemic phase just started, Malaysia has open all of it sectors and maintained self-quarantine. Many of us try to find suitable and attractive salary of professionals job because of that. But for most like me, located 1500km’s far from peninsular esp at Sabah Borneo we are feel sad ?by the availability of vacant jobs here ?that suit to our education background and experienced.
In progress for me to landed the bestsuit job (im a seafarer/exec of security & management and a young enterpreneur) i got?free time to write about Southern Place at Sabah namely Tawau. Tourist will attracted by Gunung Kinabalu if we are talking about Sabah, but at Southern here or Tawau we had the cheapest Seafood eg, small fish just rm2.00/kgs also lot of traditional unique & delicious food. My stomach was full now, im not going to sketch more about food, but instead the uniquecity of Sabah cultures. Specificly about my race’s wedding ceremonies and some of its adat-istiadat and pantang. History, Bugis people and cultures grewing fast and famous at Sabah because Tawau located ?near to Sulawesi where Bugis mainland there, event some of small town at Kota Kinabalu and Tawau get name Sab'indo. Beside Bugis at Tawau also got Jawa, Bajau, Suluk, Tidung, Timur, Chinese and Etc, simply ?because its a golden triangle town/district between 3 nation (MAPHILINDO), i'm a 2nd generation that was born here, my grandfather was a paddyfield owner who's owned rice house completed with mill machine and the other side of my grandfather owned island/land at sabah. Parents raise me here until i’d finished my SPM and become among best student, ?they was working with British Company, at that time, there are several British Entities or Companies that invested on Sabah esp Tawau District. 39 years later, im experienced with so many rich cultures of my owned and others here, the most famous in my race’s cultures was the wedding ceremony, it was so different with the peninsular, where there slowly vanished by modern and the general malays cultures, at here the bugis wedding still likely same with the ceremony at mainland of sulawesi.
Cont again later....
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2 年Bismillah Assalamualaikum Wbt Selamat ulangtahun berkerja team male female malaysia ??????