There is a sort of apartheid system at work here. A tiny minority have unfettered access to foreign exchange, which is the lifeblood of our economy...

Commentary by Capil Bissoon

October 10, 2023


There is a sort of apartheid system at work here. A tiny minority have unfettered access to foreign exchange, which is the lifeblood of our economy and produced from our national resources, while the majority are left with crumbs

I want to support and endorse Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s call on the Government to come clean on who is getting the bulk of foreign exchange in this country. Clearly, the large businesses and conglomerates have no problems getting foreign exchange to import all sorts of items, and even to invest abroad.

Meanwhile, small businesses are scaling down or being put out of existence, travellers are being restricted to a meagre amount of US$200.00 and parents trying to support their children studying abroad are also stymied. Its even worse if anyone is seeking to get FX for medical treatment abroad.

There is a sort of apartheid system at work here. A tiny minority have unfettered access to foreign exchange, which is the lifeblood of our economy and produced from our national resources, while the majority are left with crumbs.

This is absolutely unjust and Persad-Bissessar is right to say that the Rowley-led PNM Administration must not hide behind legalities in order to perpetuate this Injustice.

We know that this government unjustly fired and wrongfully dismissed former Central Bank Governor, Jwala Rambaran, for revealing that information eight years ago. Nothing has changed since the Rambaran’s startling revelations; in fact, the situation has gotten even worse than it was in December 2015.

This information should be public knowledge and everyone should support the Opposition Leader in her call for transparency and accountability for this scarce and crucial national resource.



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