Sorbacal?Micro – providing solutions to a deadly problem
Ahmad Ramadan
Contract Management | Power Generation | Rotating Equipment | Predictve Analytics
With the ever tightening emphasis being placed on micropollutant emissions and the effect to many industry types, the consolidation of all Lhoist’s existing micropollutants removal products under the Sorbacal?Micro branding has proved to be very timely.
The major industries that emit micropollutants such as dioxins/furans and mercury are; municipal waste incineration, biomass incineration, clinical waste incineration, steel manufacture, coal-fired power plants, non-ferrous metal smelting and other industries where fossil fuels could yield mercury in their off gases.
In all cases, the last version of their respective BREF document (BAT Reference Document) has seen an introduction of emissions limits for micropollutants for the first time, where in previous versions these were not included.
In the case of the recently updated Waste Incineration BREF, there has been a tightening of the emissions limits for micropollutants.
Environmental requirement
This move to ensure all relevant industries are now regulated towards micropollutants removal has meant that additional attention needs to be applied to this environmental requirement. This means that they will be moving from quarterly emissions testing to either monthly or continuous measurements depending on historical and demonstrable performance of the plant. Furthermore, the analytical requirements costs and available reagent types are being scrutinized more closely.
This increased focus on micropollutants removal in all relevant industries has led to increased awareness and growth opportunity for alternative products. Lhoist has a rich history within our European locations of expertise and technical know-how regarding formulated and non-formulated products that are proven to be effective in removing all micropollutants.
Targeted approach
This long-standing knowledge has allowed for the development of a range of products under the Sorbacal?Micro branding that are tailored towards all industries, pollutant types and formulations, therefore allowing the customer to have a more targeted approach to their needs. On this basis, future tightening of micropollutant emissions limits are well within the scope of Sorbacal?Micro because modifications of the formulated products will allow for this.
One other benefit of Sorbacal?Micro is that all the products within the range are ATEX friendly (‘ATmospheres EXplosible’). As the formulations are either completely or predominantly produced from mineral products rather than carbon-based products, the potential explosive nature of them is mitigated. Thus, the upkeep and maintenance costs of ATEX compliant dosing and storage systems can be reduced.
Single formulation
Sorbacal?Micro products include the ability to combine micropollutants removal with acidic gas removal (HCl, SO2, SO3, HF….) by carefully combining two types of sorbent into a single formulation that offers multi-pollutant removal with a single product.
Sorbacal?Micro blends are growing in popularity where operating two separate dosing systems is less favourable or where location, size and scale of plant dictates that a single product is more economical to use.
Sorbacal?Micro blends are formulated on the basis of pollutant types and levels to be removed as well as flue gas treatment process conditions, which makes them a flexible solution towards all situations.
All Sorbacal?Micro formulated and non-formulated products are ideally suited for use in conjunction with a Dry Sorbent Injection process (DSI), as illustrated in the diagram.
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