Sophisticated problems and Ethics connection.

Sophisticated problems and Ethics connection.

  • #happy_new_year_2023
  • #Ethics
  • When I was a child, My father, used to share celebrations with our Christian, Jew, Indian, Chinese and others, As I born in a very multinational atmosphere in UAE.
  • He taught me the value of humanity and the power of the difference !
  • And this stated in the Holy Quran.
  • He told me, our religion invites to freedom and peace. So, always respect the difference between humans, nations and value this difference.
  • Love all humans with the same degree and never own different degrees or standards with all humans. Be #fair and own the #treasure of the inner peace.
  • Yes, It is a treasure !
  • And the #inner_peace is not easy to live and practice.
  • I have passed with tough oppressions' situations, which affects my health so badly and make me get isolated rather than writing and sharing my thoughts a long time.
  • But when I walked some days ago to the river and the weather was so cold and dark. I almost feel frozen and then I heard the ducks calling me. And, when I heard their voice and I realized their anger. I start to cry a lot.
  • Yes the #universe #feels and get #happy some times, #anger other times, #warning , #punishing and either #threatening ..Yes.
  • #Nature talks via animals, grass, trees, sees, rivers and the pure souls of creatures. And surely, the most pure creatures are the children and the animals, beside the human beings with the pure inner-d-peace soul.
  • Let me speak about the thoughts I want to share with you during the first quarter of 2023.
  • I am afraid about the #young_generations.
  • There is a real connection about the ethics and the civilization.
  • If the ethics is lost, the civilization would be lost.
  • And the nations would be disconnected through the true values of the humanity and the goodness.
  • The gangs would be spread to hire the Youngs to steal, hack, attack and destroy and they can accept that for money, if they haven't raised on the ethics, loyalty, dignity, integrity AND HUMAN LOVE !
  • A human loves his/her brother and sister in the humanity, whatever their religions, colors, genders, nationalities, believes and freedom of thinking and speech.
  • Teach the children, in the houses, Mosques, churches, temples, university, how ethics and human values can bring them the inner peace with the prosperity and self respect.
  • And, how #losing the #ethics kill the soul, the insights, conscious and turn out the human being to wild beast loosed upon this world.
  • The children and young generations are the responsibility of our societies.
  • If we seek #nations and #countries with civilization, raised them to love the all without discrimination or hate.

  • Love them to have the power to say "No" if some one hires them to do any un-ethical or un-illegal mission. This would raise their soul and make them own the goodness and this world be much healthy for them selves and , nations, societies and our world.

#crimes would be less #risks would be minor

  • #Nature and #universe would #calm_down and lots of unexpected disaster will not happen.
  • The old disaster of the occupation of Palestine will not happen.
  • The Holocaust will not happen, barbaric Massacres in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Palestine will not happen.
  • Invasions of Russia to Ukraine will not happen !
  • And lots of harmful agendas and ideologies will not be generated !
  • Yes, This world needs Ethics and this makes people capable to see the pictures much clear and we will not ACT randomly !
  • Lots of thoughts are running in my brain, my heart and my soul !
  • I would try to support as much as I could by my thoughts and deep thinking. As much as, my soul is free, I would be capable to think, analyze, feel and write.
  • I hope this world will respect the advanced system thinkers and value them, not oppress them, because this would reflect positively on their contribution to solve the sophisticated problems and support the human-being.
  • And this is Eman Bassiouny Rohayem, And I am still feeling, thinking, analyzing and writing, however, the pain I feel, I am fighting the oppression I feel .
  • Thanks to every one support me in this life. I will write and share my thoughts among coming articles and lectures. I know that I have a duty in this life and I have to support nations and humanity as much as I could from my soul, brain and heart !



#Thanks_Dad_Mum who raised me on the inner peace and the ethics



Next articles would deliver lots of deep thoughts and provide several visions for the recent situation and the prediction. hopefully, I can support as much as I can !

  • Best Regards,
  • Eman Bassiouny Rohayem


