Sophie’s Voice
While I agree with most of Meryl Streep’s
Comments, I did recoil at her notion
That if we did deport artists, the creeps
Of society would be left to the motion
Of NFL or MMA, and those are not arts,
Quipped the great actress. Having done all three
I think she should recant. Watching a Tom Brady
Drive is like watching a master street painter evoke
A world, and styles like Taekwondo (not to denigrate
The many other types) are poetry in motion. Plus,
And this is especially of MMA, many of the fighters
Are foreign. OK, I’m going to finally watch “Sophie’s
Choice.” It’s the book my mom was reading
When her water broke for me. I’m still with you, Meryl,
But then you’d have to go after Dance, too.
A better target would have been “The New
Celebrity Apprentice” or “The Mobile Strike App”
But that wouldn’t have fit your foreign/nativist dichotomy.