Soothing your soul with positivity
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Shri Krishna says do whatever you want to do but you onky have the right to action and not fruits. So if you feel your voice is good for singing and you like singing then you take care of it and work on it. Whether it is liked by others or not , whether it will get you employment or not is not in your hands. Once you accept this then let anyone like it or not at least you enjoy singing so you do it. The eternal soul is bound up in the samsara cycle of repeating births and deaths. In order to become free one must dissolve the subtle body which is made up of mana (mind), buddhi (intelligence) and ahankara (ego). The paramatma (supersoul) can speak to the atma (soul) when one becomes absorbed in love of God. As paramatma God is in the heart of every living being patiently waiting for them to turn to Him for help.
We know that your soul is always there for you to connect with, you don’t need to reach a certain stage of enlightenment or spend hours practicing, your soul is always available to you as a tool of guidance and support. Aligning with your soul can help you to live a more conscious, mindful life and can also help you to transcend the ego and tune in to your highest purpose. Your soul is more powerful than you can comprehend- its smarter than a computer and more powerful than nuclear warfare. Your soul is endless, infinite and timeless and it’s waiting for you to say Hello.
There are some ways to connect with your soul. Without putting too much thought into it, make a list of things that you love, such as: “family, lemon tarts, Sunday mornings, etc…” Keep going, writing as many things as you can- the more words the better. In fact, if you really want to dig deep aim to write 100 things, as at this point you will most likely be writing from the absolute depths of your soul. All of the things written on this list, especially the first few words and the last few words, are ways in which your spirit is fed. These words are the way in which your soul feels alive and aligned. The more you give your soul the things it loves, the stronger it becomes and the more connected you will feel to it.
Spending time in nature and really being present to all the beauty around you can instantly connect you with the essence of who you are. Being in nature can also help you put your life into perspective and can quiet your mind, especially if you are stressed, worried or anxious. While in nature, take a moment to observe you senses- what are you hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling? Once you have reflected on your five senses go deeper, what is sixth sense or higher self saying or feeling? What is being communicated to you on the deepest level of your soul?
Making soul connection with meditation: Meditation is a fantastic way to connect with your soul. Here is a basic soul connection meditation: Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Bring your awareness to your body and the breath. Breathe in and out deeply from the belly 5-6 times. Start to sense the space and stillness surrounding your body. Don’t judge, just observe. If any thoughts come up, don’t resist them, simply allow them to pass without engaging in them. Imagine your thoughts as leaves floating down a stream, they are there, but you are just looking at them, observing them as they go by.
Continue noticing the space that is inside of you, use your breath to increase the space inside and around your body. If it helps, you can imagine this space as a white light, filling you and the space around you. Go deeper into this space, allow your entire body and mind to sink deeper- keep up with your breathing and use each inhale and exhale to guide you. Once you feel a connection to this space you may begin to feel tingles or the gentle hum of your soul.
At this stage, ask your soul for guidance, for a healing, or to present itself to you more clearly through life. Notice what starts to occur within you now. All experiences will be different so stay open to what your soul is communicating to you. Finish the mediation by gently coming back into the awareness of your physical body and opening your eyes. You may need to practice this meditation a few times to really see the benefits. Start with just 15 minutes a day and work your way up to 30 minutes.
The word ‘soothe’ in the dictionary means - to gently calm, reduce pain or discomfort, relieve or ease pain and so when you need soothing you would be a pain or discomfort.But in spirit and in life, pain is there to let you know that you are going the wrong way. Pain from sunburn means stop abusing your body by exposing it to excessive sunlight. Pain that your spirit perceives might be like when you are selfish in one of it’s many ways. For example jealousy. You spirit is in pain because you are jealous of someone else. Either way the pain in your body or your soul is not going to be soothed by a voice. If a voice were to soothe your sunburn, you would then remain in the sun to the detriment of your body. And if a voice could soothe your soul when you are jealous, you would continue to the detriment of your soul’s advancement. Cheers!
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2 年beautiful- explained in simple manner