Soon off the Pink Sheet VDRM
Ray Lanfear, JD
Shoot For The Moon and If You Miss Your Fall Upon the Stars Les Brown
Get 100,000 shares Monday morning. Did you take my recommendation 3 months ago? Debt free company. 75% of pink sheet stocks are worthless, however when they move from pink sheets to NASDAQ, they get a huge jump in price. Get in on this right now folks. Why VDRM the potential for growth right now in 6 states with a goal of 50 states. Just might turn out being the stock of the year. Opportunity sometimes only knocks once in a lifetime. Is this the one for you? It is the one for me right now. Only you know the answer. Is the risk worth taking? High risk high returns. Hidden gem below the radar for sure. Rock solid company for future explosive growth. Still a solid recommendation. Folks, this is not a pump and dump, nor scam. Did my diligent research on this stock, expanding pharmaceutical company with huge growth plans and has several patents pending for approval. Shoot for the Moon and if you miss your land upon the stars. Les Brown. Think Big. This could be the buy of the decade. Get in on this one and hold. Still has the potential to go up 5000 per cent or more in less than 12 months. Debt free pharmaceutical company with more good news coming out on further expansion of the company and new patents. Investors that buy and hold will be rewarded. This one stock has the potential to make a lot of millionaires. Get in before the good news becomes public. You can thank me later. Pass it along to friends and family. Viaderma Inc (VDRM) I only give very few recommendations; I gave you CCL when it was at 10 now has tripled in value. So, my track record is 100% up on my recommendations. Now it is up to you.
Viaderma Inc (VDRM)