Soon New To Market New Games
Soon New To Market New Games
The history books will have a field day with Trump
and his cronies
if it’s true that winners write the history books
there will be feasting on all his lies,
his corruption that he’ll have left behind
and the long road of misery and pain
there will be many games with his name
how to lose without grace at the same time be in disgrace
but most of all the thing he hates most
the notable
huge label “loser” solidly attached to his name
oh such feasting the gamers will have
games with names like:
“Find The Mole The And Conspirators In The White House”
“Who Was It That Duped The Christians” and “How To Get Away Without Paying Taxes”
maybe the most fun all will be “How To Make All The Racist Come Out Of Hiding So We Can All Know Who They Are”
and the one I’m sure he’ll hate the most will be
“It’s a Brand New Dawn And The Country Has Moved On”
Clyde A. Wray
November 23, 2020
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