Sontext appoint Quietstone as UK and Ireland Distributor
Sontext Decorative Acoustic Panels. Australia, Middle East, USA.
Highly decorative and functional acoustic panels. A complete range of acoustic panels that will fit any budget.
Sontext UK are pleased to announce the appointment of Quietstone as distributor for the full range of Sontext Acoustic Solutions.
Quietstone have been manufacturing and marketing high quality sound and acoustic solutions for over 20 years. Based on innovation and product excellence, Quietstone have a very strong reputation as one of the major suppliers of acoustic products. Quietstone have a strong customer base across the UK and Ireland and will give Sontext clients the reassurance of the local technical and sales support needed when considering acoustic solutions.
Mr Roland Phillips said??“we are excited and really looking forward to forming a long?and strong partnership with Sontext, this gives our clients a full range of sound absorbing options”.
Quietstone will be selling
Sontext UK and Ireland Website