Sonic Adventure

The cost of Sonic Adventure off of the internet is sixty to seventy for the Dreamcast version, Sonic DX the GameCube edition is between thirty-five to seventy-five dollars or six dollars off of Steam service. This game was a must have for anyone running a Sega Dreamcast and any Sonic the hedgehog fan. this game had seven story lines with seven different characters. Sonic finding the chaos emeralds before Eggman,trying to save Amy and stopping Eggman. Tails racing Sonic to get the chaos emeralds and eventually proving himself that he can be just as strong and capable as Sonic.Knuckles finding the missing pieces of Master Emerald that the creature called Chaos shattered. Amy trying to protect her friend Birdie while running away from one of Eggman's robots Zero. Big the cat is fishing missions for his friend Froggy. E-102 Gamma at first severing Eggman but after talking to Amy goes on a mission to free all of his friends from the E series by destroying them. Finally this is after beating all of story lines Super Sonic this is Sonic going into the final battle against Perfect Chaos.This game also had these little blue creatures called Chao's the players gives them animals found in levels and can race with them.

Now Sonic adventure does have issues,for one this game did age well.The dialogue can be very cheesy,Amy voice can painfully annoying and Big the cat story can be annoying because the controls to catch Frog feel busted.Certain items such as Knuckle's fighting gloves are pointless to get.The story lines themselves can bad too. Tails is repeat of Sonic's Missions and Amy's story line is three missions and a boss battle. The last thing is 100% Sonic Adventure that is a Metal Sonic skin and doing time trails. To 100% Sonic Adventure that player has to collect all 125 emblems by beating all the goals in each levels, Chao racing and finding all emblems in the open world areas of Station Square,Mystic Ruins and Egg Carrier. Sonic Adventure isn't a bad game but not worth the thirty-five to Seventy-five dollars price tag if people want this game get though Steam service for six dollars.


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