Song # 1345.1- Turn To God
See the video “#1345.1- Turn To God” from “Our Gospel In Song” collection -
Some people think their life is OK, and that they do not need God, that is, until trouble comes their way. Fortunately, the Lord knows we are only human, and that we sometimes make mistakes and sin. Yet He loves us so much that He forgives us for our sins when we repent. No matter what our greatest problem is, God is much greater. No matter where we turn in life, we can always turn to God. Before thinking about our future, our “tomorrow”, we must first consider how to get through our “today”. Though our troubles seem to burden us, we can always pray to God for help, and seek His peace. But first, we must seek His kingdom and give our heart to Lord Jesus and follow His way. For Jesus knows the way to heaven and eternal life, and He calls on us to trust in Him, and have faith in Him. Our hope for our future depends on our future hope. Remember, prayer should be our first choice, not our last resort. And you can’t be a part-time Christian, because there is no part-time heaven. To be in heaven tomorrow, you need God in your heart today.
Thought for today: one of God’s greatest presents, is His presence in our life. Thought for the future: Jesus knows the way, follow Him for eternity. Heaven – will you make it? Where will you spend your eternity?
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