Song # 1339.1- Our Great Creator

Song # 1339.1- Our Great Creator

See the video “#1339.1- Our Great Creator” from “Our Gospel In Song” collection -

We give praise to Almighty God, for the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have the promise of salvation, and the promise of eternal life, for all those who trust and follow our Lord. For God created heaven and earth and all we see in this seemingly endless universe where we still cannot see the edges of this super great expanse. With such power to create all this, God can certainly look after our needs each day. So put your trust in God, and His only Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to take our sin and give us our salvation. God also created eternal life, which is our future hope to be with Him in heaven when our time comes.

Thought for today: trust in Jesus and follow Him for eternity. Thought for the future: with God, all things are possible. Where will you spend your eternity?

See all the Christian videos from “Our Gospel In Song” collection search:


