SONA Stride Challenge
WHAT: An eight-week distance challenge to walk, run or roll in a wheelchair.
WHO: Special Olympics Illinois athletes can register as an individual or part of a Unified pair with a family member or friend.
Unified Partner Registration:
· Each member of a Unified pair will need to complete the registration form separately.
· Instructions have been provided on how to name teams using a first initial .last name (ex. J.Doe) naming convention with athlete listed first and partner listed second. This consistent naming will match partners and athletes on the back end even though they register and input their data separately.
· Please note: all Unified partners MUST be matched with an athlete prior to registration. They cannot register and be matched after the fact.
· Each participant will need to enter their weekly information separately. However, if the partner or athlete wants to enter the other person’s info for them, they can so as long as each individual’s info is entered separately.
WHEN: Participant registration opens October 7 (participants can register at any time during the challenge). The SONA Stride Challenge runs October 19 – December 13.
HOW: After registering, participants keep track of the distance they run, walk or roll in their wheelchairs via Strava (or a similar fitness app). Each week, they will self-report their distance via a SmartSheet survey, earning them a coveted spot on the USA-wide leaderboard. Participants will be striding against athletes from all 50 states!
PRIZES: Yes, prizes will be given! Special Olympics Illinois hopes to have the most participants of any state! SOILL will give prizes out to two athletes who report their distances to SONA every week. At the end of the challenge there will be one grand-prize winner (an Illinois athlete who reports their distance each of the eight weeks of the challenge).
Step 1: Register to participate.
Click here to Register for the Stride Challenge!
Step 2: Download the free Strava App to your phone or electronic device.
· Strava is a free app that can be downloaded on any smart phone
· NO Smart phone? NO Problem! Strava can be used on your computer. Strava Desktop Link
· Strava Guide - for a smartphone
· Strave Guide - for the computer or watch this video.
· Individuals can track the miles “live” or input them manually later.
· Prefer to use a different app? No problem, but please be honest when entering your weekly info.
Step 3: Join the Special Olympics Illinois’s club on the Strava app.
Click to Join! Special Olympics Illinois Strava Club
Step 4: Staring October 19 – Get moving and make sure you are tracking your distance every time you are walking/running or rolling!
Step 5: Submit your weekly distance each Monday.
Click here to report your Distance
Dates to report your weekly distance total:
October 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, December 7 & 13
Walk, Run or Roll: Roll in your wheelchair, but don’t count your time in the car, bike, pool, rollerblading, skateboarding or on a scooter. Those can be great activities, but our challenge is focused on walking or running.
Be Honest! This is self-paced and self-managed. Please provide an honest and accurate account when recording your results. If you forget to take your phone or your fitness application, you can enter your mileage manually.
Be Safe! As you are being active, make sure you follow local guidelines for being outside. This includes wearing masks (if needed) and making sure you are striding where you can be safe from traffic.
Be Brave in the Attempt! Challenge yourself!
Please contact [email protected]