Sometimes Your Routine WIll Get Thrown A Curveball And That's Ok
Amanda Jayne OHare
I teach AuDHD entrepreneurs how to plan their food, exercise and lifestyle to support their unique energy so they can thrive in life and business
Sometimes Your Routine WIll Get Thrown A Curveball And That's Ok.
I love having a routine, I also love to be spontaneous... But in order to be spontaneous, my routine has to be running pretty smoothly.
Can you relate?
Well, here I was, all geared up to do my weekly Friday newsletter to you all; after quite some time, I've really settled into Friday as newsletter day... I enjoy it.
Now, Thursdays are Therapy Thursdays and well don't I feel as soft and sensitive as a peach?
Yes, yes I do.
I first took myself to counselling at 19, It's not my first time at the rodeo; in fact, part of my routine is in knowing that if I have counselling/therapy - I will schedule out the rest of the day for recovery. I need it to rest, create space for any emotions to flow and just generally be kind to myself.
In this round, I'm finding that today I am still feeling quite tender. I've been on a roller coaster, emotionally and while I've created space, and compassion and worked my way around the feelings (there's nothing worse than needing to have a cry and it's not the right place and feeling like you've buried it for later, only to know that creating the environment or even the desire to have the wee cry (or fuck off massive one)) could be easy to put off.
Sometimes, life and even planned events will throw a curveball at your newly crafted routine and I'm here to let you know that's ok.
Do your best to give yourself the space to take a breath and acknowledge any feelings that come up.
This gives you the opportunity to make a different choice than you may have made if you didn't give yourself a minute.
And if you don't give yourself a minute because you've went through the automatic reaction (which is HUMAN btw, not a fault) that's ok too - see if you can lend yourself compassion and give yourself the comfort and support you'd lend a friend.
This is why the way I teach planning food, exercise and lifestyle is rooted in self-compassion and flexibility because change isn’t a cakewalk, it’s challenging enough without self-criticism and perfectionism thrown into the mix.
I almost didn't go to the gym today, but I did, with the 30 minute squeeze of time I had - because I knew if I didn't I'd be carrying that energy with me anyway and from experience I knew that if I did that short workout I'd get a release and a burst of energy I wouldn't have otherwise had.
I'm glad I did.
Am I any less emotional?
Does exercise fix all your problems?
Also no.
But it can give you a little boost in the right circumstances - when you consult with yourself to make the choice to do it; not when you bully yourself into doing it because you think you should.
So, I may be moving my newsletter to Monday and trying to weave that into being my new comfort nook of newslettering, just to let you know.
Will it challenge my sense of routine?
But all I can do is give it a go.
Where can you recognise this in your own experience this month and can you lend yourself due compassion?
Thank you!
Amanda Jayne