Sometimes, You'll Just have to Jump!
We've all had to make big decisions in the past, and the steps leading up can suck the wind right out of our sails. It once seemed like a huge hill or burden to overcome. However, in retrospect - it wasn't that bad... was it? We imagine all the risks, pitfalls and reasons to keep searching for the bigger, better deals out there. This is human nature, however it can break you or it can make you.
I found this really interesting article on how to dissect your decision making process, Make Decisions . Once you've weighed the pros and cons, you then muster all of your willpower to make the dream a reality - you jump! Everyone who is self-made took a huge leap of faith somewhere along the way. It's part of the path to success. Many of us still have goals which seem so far out of reach that they're unattainable. We've taught ourselves that some things are just too hard for us with our busy schedules, demanding personal lives - to sacrifice towards these goals. This is not true. If you want it, you'll have to jump and have the patience for your parachute to open on it's own time. Trust in who you are and the gifts that got you where you are today.
We live in an uncertain world, but one thing is certain - success breeds success. If you want to be in the game, you have to take the first leap - it will hurt, it will try you - but that's what will separate us all in the end.