Quoting on the preeminent Winston Churchill, on one of his famed speeches at the very first time as prime minister during the WW2 he said: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat”.
Continuously on his speech he said, “many months of struggle and suffering” it’s also impaled to my case, but I’m trying to see the sliver-lining for this struggle and the suffering that has been made, that I’m gaining!
20 November 2021 marked as the first day I’m stepping my foot for the first time on “the only” Indonesian flag state vessel that capable and specifically designed for the 3D high resolution seismic marine data acquisition operation, she’s name is SV. Nordic Bahari. First time keel laid in Canada on 1983 (she almost 40 YO now), with multiple times changes of its names and the vessel owner I’m directly have special feeling with this “old lady”. Onboard she has garden on the top of its deck that well preserved and with warmth hearted cared by its crew that I easily find that this vessel not just only as their workplace, but also meant as their home.
But what I impressed the most are their hospitality and willing to help and collaborated with me. Since I’m joining as preparation for this vessel to be audited and part of the project preparation for one global super major oil and gas company that also for the first time I’m experiencing to have project to be working-on for this client. It has elevated me as personal and me in professional level.
I never have any intended to said that other past project that I ever work with in my past has lower standard, but for this one particulars client I just simply said that they are at another level. As a person with no-marine/naval background and for the first time ever working for the 3D marine seismic project. Moreover, firstly join and first time on-hand with the vessel Safety Management System (SMS) Manual and its procedure, the support for the marine crew, seismic team, with also assisted from the office teams and other related party made this “not an easy task”, fell much ease on my burden.
As the times goes by with the tons of project preparation, multiple documents submission, series of meeting, countless hours of preparation and another back-to-back audit (IMCA CMID, OCIMF OVID OVMSA, OCIMF OVID OVPQ, BP ASPAC L&I – Marine, BP GO/NOGO Audit, BP MOGO Audit … YOU NAME IT!) with all of those endless efforts, dedication and the utmost willing to make the job done from all of those party, and by the will of Allah one by one the requirement and other project preparation we’ve made at the stage where we were almost prepare to have sail away from Batam to the site acquisition location, the most anticipated case and one of undesired event was occurred, also by the will of Allah, yes … it was Covid-19 out-break. Like every good story they have twist on their plot storylines, and that’s what made the story wort to tell.
Cut the long story short, after days spent on quarantine, daily routine health checks by the doctor and the medic, multiple times of the inconvenience PCR swab, with all the mitigation in place supported with multilayered of counters measure, the outbreak was safely controlled with no significant impact except the time delayed. ?We finally ready for the sail away. Nothing much that I could share during the voyage to the site acquisition location, except another loads of project preparation. On some occasion we’ve got rewarded with some spectacular view along the way … please enjoy some marvelous nature beauty moments that I’ve captured that also worth to share.
After 14 days of sailing across the Indonesian archipelago spanning in three different time zone, then finally we’ve arrived at the Sorong as the point of hire for this project. Yet again I have another amazing opportunity to take part on the opening ceremony to have brief of some QHSE project outline and some word to be delivered. Not the best speech on my entire life, but the message is effective conveyed with one or two gimmick and some punchline nailed right on the intended spot.
Continue sailing to the Bintuni Bay, the acquisition site. One major task that we need to complete is to conduct drill at the site area to align the compatibility of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) of the project that has been developed with the existing client ERP. Never had before I have the privilege to prepare and developed the drill scenario that involved multiple vessels for one single continuously event of drill, a combine drill. By the will of Allah and the efforts of all parties, the drill was safely conducted and achieved the intended results. A gaining!
Well prepared and full confidence with all our resources that we’ve have on-board; the men, the machines, the materials, the methods, the measurements, and good weather to support the operation everything seems just smooth and effortless. Only one or two adjustments on the seismic equipment configuration to achieve the intended results, we’ve completed the 3D high resolution seismic data acquisition on the first block.
Shifting to the second block, our confidence is growth high as the line by line completed to be acquired.
As I said earlier: “for every good story they have twist on their plot storylines”.
And what better than just good story? Is the emotional one!
A story who has multiple twist and plot on the storyline and able to engage the emotion for everyone who involve and connecting to experience the feeling and the emotion.
“The calm before the storm”, is one of many firstly phrase that I know at my early stages. For maybe some of the reader who not familiar with this phrase meaning that there a period of unusual tranquillity or stability that seems likely to presage or sign for some difficult times may come near.
In one calm morning that I think just will be another day to pass, at 06.25 AM local time. In sudden with no sign or early indication, the electric power from the main generator was failed to be connect to the vessel distribution line.
I see everyone in their respectable position, with their own respectable roles and responsibility giving fast response to encounter the emergency. The Master as the On-Scene Commander contact to the support vessel to be prepare for have emergency towing operation, the deck team already stationed on their post to connect the towing gear and equipment, the seismic team giving fast response to close the valve on the gun source to prevent any incoming sea water to fill up the gun chamber, and the engine team within around 5 minutes able to bring back the power online, while I’m still holding the satellite phone to inform the Jakarta office as the emergency communication line.
Even for only these 5 minutes of power distribution failure need to have full investigation and the work need to be suspend up until the root cause was found with all mitigation and counter measure shall be applied to prevent the same event reoccurred during the project completion. The preliminary report was submitted in less than 24 hours, and the final investigation report was fully distributed within less 2 X 24 hours (from maximum 3 X 24 hours) with all mitigation and counter measure on place. As an HSE for any type of incident event occurs this will be a headache time, but I fortunate enough to have support from all the parties and directly involved so at the exact 2 X 24 hours after the power distribution failure occurred, we were able to start the operation normally.
The stand-down meeting was held for this event, socialization of the root cause and the mitigation was conveyed to all of Personnel On-Board (POB).
At this very moment, again … my mind was digging deep to another phrase that represent this situation.
Quoting from one of my favorite author, Paulo Coelho: “The darkest hour of the night is just right before the dawn”
I do really give this phrase during the safety stand-down meeting to reminding all of the POB that sometime the most difficult stage of a project is just right before its end. And just because we were near on the end of project this will be one of crucial time, since may for some of the personnel think that the project will be ended soon, their focus may already split, so may lowering the employees situational awareness. That’s why as an HSE the ability to sensing and scanning the dynamics situation in the work surrounding will be the key elements to determine the programs and control.
*OOT: By the way … the phrase above also used in some music lyrics, enjoy my favorite one here:
After another 2 days of acquisition all the blocks were safely completed with high quality data acquired with no significant incident.
For me as personal and in professional level completing this project with all the story behind, the twist and the turn, the struggle, the suffer, and the sacrifice (include with opportunities that has been passed) in between … forging me.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you ~lose~ gain!
In frame with the master and the chief engineer of SV. Nordic Bahari
*PS: It is a pleasure to work with both of you.
2 年Survive for BP project. Bangga menjadi salah satu bagian dalam project ini..thanks God kami sudah dapat melalui project ini untuk menatap ke next project. Thank you for all the team ..
McDermott International Inc.
2 年kabarin yung...kalo nyandar di batam...siapa tau bisa ketemu reunian...hahaha...good luck