Sometimes You Just Have To Leave
From today’s reading...
“Then they began to beg him to leave their district.”
Jesus did His whole “drive-demons-out-of-people” thing and this is how He is treated.
“Hey! You! Yes, YOU! The dude doing all of those good works. You’re freaking us out. Get out of here and leave us alone!”
As I teach in my sales training programs,
“a confused mind says no.”
The people of Gerasenes had never seen anything like Him. They were confused as to how Jesus could heal a madman who was so strong no amount of chains and shackles could restrain him.
Rather than move closer and dig deep to understand what it was they were seeing, they shunned what confused them and said “no thank you” to the greatest gift they’ve ever had the chance to receive.
Crazy, ain’t it?
So don’t feel bad if you can’t get through to the people you love because, like they say, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”
However, that doesn’t mean you stop leading your horses—and family and friends—to water.
You just need to find those who are willing to drink the refreshing water you provide because having a never-ending source of clean, pure water is the only way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.