'Sometimes, We All Need To Just Do This…' - Naked Leader Week
David Taylor
Founder Naked Leader - 10X ROI Guaranteed for our Client Partners. Visiting Professor The Open University Business Faculty. Global Business Ambassador The King's Trust - Author / Speaker / Entrepreneur
Sometimes, We All Need To Just Do This…
Complain - without needing to fix things, find answers or any ways forward
Over the last 10 days, across three events - in Perth – Australia, London – UK and Zoom, I did something I had never done before. The Elephant in the Room session asked one question – what is happening in your life / organisation / the world that you are unhappy about?
In Naked Leader we would usually let it run its course and then ask the more positive opposite question.
On these occasions we let that first question, run and run. People started off gently, politely, then moved to more specific issues and then really got stuff off their chests, and some! It was like a game of who can complain the most!
And when it finally came to a natural ending, the unspoken feeling in the room was not what one might expect – negative and draining, but quite the reverse – calm, carefree, cathartic.
People said they felt they had the permission to share what was really on their mind, without fear or favour, and the mutual trust across the group was palpable.
Then, without prompting, people started laughing, sharing ideas and How-Tos - no elephant required.
Go on, give it a go – remember the only rule – no positivity, solutions or tree hugging allowed!
With my thanks to Rachael-Lee G. , and my love and best wishes to you all
David X
And to catch this article as a vlog, just follow the link here: https://youtu.be/Ixrd-nnlb7U
Nice approach!