Sometimes the Universe Smiles

Sometimes the Universe Smiles

My wife Patty and I were eating dinner about 6:30 this evening when I happened to look out the living room window and see Dipsy from the Teletubbies riding one of those Bird scooters down our street. My wife’s back was to the window and she thought I was crazy: it’s ninety-some degrees out and somebody’s in costume??

Our son, Sam, who has autism and epilepsy, absolutely loves the Teletubbies. My wife went to stand in the street hoping for a return trip and what do you know, Dipsy came back.

We called Sam outside and he was thrilled beyond belief and wanted a photo to remember it by.?

We asked "Why," and the kid in the costume said he just thought it would be a neat idea to do – why not?

Just before Sam got outside, an unmarked Overland Park, KS police car pulled up to get a read as to whether the kid was “okay.” He was, and he was fabulous!?????


George L. Kinnard, Jr的更多文章

