Sometimes things just go right!

Sometimes things just go right!

As kids, we loved it when the fireman’s convention came to town. Dozens of fire companies from all over Western NY came to learn, practice, drink beer and blow off steam. We rode bikes all over our Grandparent’s little town in those days. As such, we knew all the back allies and shortcuts that bikes and walkers could use, but not trucks.

So…when the fireman’s convention came, we would help them blow off steam by challenging them to water fights. We’d lay in wait for a truck and when they came down the street, we’d either pull out squirt guns or a garden hose, and wave at them. They’d stop and crank up their hoses, all the while being doused by our meager weapons. The key was to time it just right so that as their pump came on, we were racing away. They’d always give chase but, we knew where to go through backyards, etc., so they couldn’t follow. Honestly, I never remember being hit by even a drop of water!

One day will “live on in infamy” because it was what I’ll call a “perfect accident.” There was a quite large and quite annoying girl in our neighborhood who used to follow us around, spy on us, and tell on us whenever she could. I’ll call her Lynn. She drove us nuts. We usually were able to avoid her unless she ended up at our Grandparent's home because Grandma would make us be nice to her and would never ask her to go home. (Adults were also annoying in those days.)

Well, as it happened one day, we challenged a large fire company to a battle right in front of our Grandparent’s house. I had the hose and ran into the street making threatening gestures. When they screamed at us and slammed on the brakes, I dropped the hose and started running toward the back of the house. My cousins had a head start on me because they were by the house already turning on the water, so they hit safety, and I was right on their heels. I could run really fast then. It was several pounds, er, I mean, years ago.  

As I bolted down the drive way, I heard Lynn yelling from the back of the house. “Where are you guys? I can’t believe you! I come to see you and you all disappear. I’m telling your Grandma! You’re so RUDE!” What she didn’t know was that the firetruck was now fully operational and the water had just started gushing through their largest hose. I was inches in front of the spray diving for the back corner of the house to avoid being hit as the guys on the truck swept the water stream across the yard and driveway after me. Just as I reached the safety of the corner, Lynn walked around that same corner of the house, right into the full force of the hose. She was mid scream too—it was perfect! As I recall, she said, “You guys are in so much tro….(SPLAT)!” The force of the water knocked her on her well-padded can and soaked her from her head to her chubby little toes. I was completely dry, although I laughed so hard and long I nearly wet myself.  My two cousins were literally rolling round the grass, laughing 'till they cried…

Some days, things just work out perfectly!

But other days, not so much. Still, in my experience, one of the keys to toughing-it-out through the difficult days is remembering and relishing the days that were good. I don't mean that we "live in the past." Rather, I'm just suggesting that if we remember the good times, several benefits follow:

1. We realize that there are probably just as many good days as bad. Maybe more. This keeps life in perspective and allows us to keep going when times are hard.

2. We learn from both the bad and good to hopefully make choices resulting in more positive outcomes.

3. We get re-energized and motivated to pursue future success.

4. We realize that having a bad day doesn't mean "God is out to get (us." Rather, it's just part of life.

So here's to the good days...and the bad. Whatever you're facing. Keep going. Keep running. Keep your chin up and avoid angry firemen with hoses.


Pastor Joel



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