Sometimes one has to take a stand, this time let's with the French farmers who are currently striking
Well some people are scared that history will repeat itself. Luckily for those sceptics out there this does not always have to be the case and most certainly is not everyone's experience.
Coming from a farming family myself, knowing how very difficult and hard farming is, even though some people love it. Only naive and unskilled people would go into farming as first generations thinking that knowledge of the land is not passed down over generations and that anyone can learn how to farm land in a few years time beyond one's own consumption or slightly more to keep a few choosen ones happy and healthy. You probably get the drift.
Knowing what generations of farmers and those who are in tune with the land have learned and passed unto their descendents over centuries it would be pretty foolish to not take advice from those who have more experience than one's unknowing self. All farmers and supporters who have mobilised to get one more time someone listening and fighting their corner. It's not in isolation that the whole world can eat, it needs more than that. Apparently one has to block the roads first because noone goes off trail nowheredays anyway in the big cities around the most used motorways.
Like myths who can be real life stories that are passed down, outsiders can choose what they want to believe as they are not in the known and are not part of such family histories and legacies thinking it might not concern them right now until one day they are being taught differently, that time is now.
Hopefully the tractors keep on rolling slowly, covering the speed cameras for good when probably none of that money that is being collected for speeding offences goes to them anyway these days. A person in a tractor is hardly speeding and polluting the planet, are they?
I guess the believe is that most people who drive too fast do not necessarily have the inclination or time to think about others and the wider world anyhow.
People, governments trying to snatch lifelihoods away from those who have farmed the land and feed millions of people, soldiers, civilians through wars, through extremely difficult circumstances. They should put their thinking cap on one more time.
This applies to many across the globe, people complaining about farmers is really taking it too far in my opinion. Many people often think no further than what is in their supermarket trolley, most stuff is far from the basics but lavish luxury for some.
Some government officials and many other people do not seem to understand realise where food is coming from and how hard it is to grow, take care of, when the seasons are unfavourable and so much more that there is to know about all this.
Natures resources actually need to be cared for be someone, by peoples, just by the way. Its not a job for weaklings who prefer light entertainment as professional past times day in and out. Some people have more sense of responsibility than just beyond their own selves.
You do not get a loaf of bread on everyone's table if only very few people can buy expensive bread.
Think about how much a loaf of bread costs today and how long it takes from putting the seed into the soil, for it to grow, to harvest it all till it reaches a bakery or your kitchen table. And now think about it all on an industrial scale as the biggest agricultural farms do not do so for a few but for the masses especially if they are part of a cooperative. It is very complex. Bread costs very little these days, definitely not what it's real value is if you think about it carefully. It does not mean that people should only eat bread day in and out if they want their brains working well and have a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
Even though people have stolen wheat from farms/farmers that were supposed to feed soldiers and civilians alike to keep them alive at times during wars. We know who you are, don't come back ever would be my gentle and kind advice. It's not an invitation either in case someone should stupidely think otherwise.
Even though some have filled their own greedy pockets with stolen proceeds so bread and wheat produce could be sold onto a few people for much extra to those who could afford it. Let that not be the case today. Lets do a role call to protect the farming industry especially in France right now.
Times have changed anyone can take a stand and think about whether all should be feed or only those who 'supposidly' deserve to eat so a few can get some advantages and a leg up. People in France and elsewhere have to decide who they want to side with and support.
Whether farmers lease or own the land hopefully people everywhere make sure that they protect those who need protecting and stop those who are trying to get rich over the efforts of others without making any efforts themselves because looking the part has very often fooled those who don't know any better.
Anyway you can always claim that there is not only one truth. In some parts of the world some might like to have their eyes covered in darkness because they can afford to for a few moments of pleasure.
At least those who can see should make sure that those who cannot are protected and can eat and feed their families. For many people budgeting to get their family well feed is not always easy, in fact it can be extremely difficult and is for millions.
Make sure you out there all get the message across that farmland must be protected everywhere in our worlds so people can be feed, eat and civilisations can exist and thrive so millions of people can see better days than the day before or whenever it was they were again hard up. Nobody knows what is coming next in the near or long term unless you are one of the few oracles, so best keep those farmers happy is what I am thinking.
And here is some more food for thought for you, 'Who do you think are some of the people in the free world who are helping to feed people in Ukraine?' Well, some of these people are very probable people farming the land in France. Fact is the role of farming is vital to any civilisation.
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