Sometimes It's Not What You Do. It's What the Other Guy Doesn't Do!
Gary Ferrara PA REO AGENT
REO Listing Agent Renovation Specialist Property Manager at Atlantic Florida Properties
I want to refurbish and seal our patio pavers, and told my wife it was out weekend project. I'll get out the pressure washer, sand, and I needed sealer. I'm a Pro Home Depot customer, I get a 10% veterans discount, and so I naturally went there. My store said there were 20 1 gallon jugs of my product of choice. I fumbled with the website, they were there, they weren't there, you could order it and have it delivered to your store. It was insane. Out of frustration, I went to Amazon, the the product showed on my doorstep the next day.
It's like that in business. ALL business. I've stopped advertising on all the big name platforms for REO work. I'm registered, and get back on if need be in an hour. Really all it takes is a credit card, they're dying for business. I get a lot of business from agents who won't or don't hack it. They get lazy. Screw up. The Asset Managers call, I generally pick up on the first ring regardless ( I do field a lot of auto warranty stuff, but that's the price you pay) and I take what I'm offered. I see the requirements some of these outfits have, and I'm dumbfounded. If you tell me you want weekly inspections, I go, weekly, and I look at everything. I fix a lot of things because it's easy to do, and saves my client money. I do pools, keys, the works. Why? Because my competition won't. I surround myself with like minded people in whatever trade they're in. I tell them right upfront that I will be checking on the job, that I will be paying them for a job well done so there's no waiting, and that we are working for a client who expects a job to be done correctly the first time. If I smell a rat, no questions asked, I move on to the next guy. So, Asset Managers, I ask you....
Why aren't you seeking out new agents, or different agents? Why do you go to the same people over and over? How do you know if there is new talent out there who could improve your performance? Why do you accept sub par performance?
For the amount of commission you pay, you should expect 100% loyalty. Everyone makes mistakes. But if it's ineptitude, look elsewhere.
Oh, and that mileage thing. I'll tell you right now, if I accept an assignment 90 minutes from me, I'll do as good or as better a job as the local guy. All I do is leave the house earlier. It's really pretty simple. But most things are.