Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. #WorldMentalHealthDay

Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. #WorldMentalHealthDay

Mental health is often forgotten about, the phrase out of sight out of mind often pops up when I thinking about it.

Being physically ill such as a cold, or the flu and having time off from work if fine. Managers and colleagues can see when you're ill and need to rest and recover. Returning to work you look much better and the signs and symptoms have cleared up, ready to jump back into the work place.

Mental illness is easily forgotten about as because this isn't a physical illness, something we can't see. This can be related to stress, anxiety, or depression, often you fell awkward asking for time off. Firstly this could be as your sharing personal reasons with you managers/bosses. Secondly there are no designated sick days for mental illness, this is a problem.

Taking sometime for your mental well-being is very important, whether it is going for a walk, meditating, exercising etc. It's important to find your own way of achieving this, many people see meditation a waste of valuable time, others love and swear by it.

For me, the last 6.5 years of going to the gym has been my time out. The point where my body is at its most stressed my mind only has one thought "1 more rep". Coming out of every session with a clear mind, de-stressed and ready for the next day.

In the past I have meditated for 30 minutes each day, trying to clear the mind. I found this incredibly difficult under I learned a counting and breathing method.

Breathing and counting meditation.

Whilst seated in a relaxed environment, closer your eyes at begin deep breath in and out. Focus on just your breathing, now with each breath count 1, 2, 3, etc. Only have your mind focus on that number of you focused breathing. As soon as your mind wonders off from the numbers you have to start again. (Highest I ever got to was 29)

There are tons of apps out there available which you can download and they have loads of techniques which you can try. Some of my personal favourites are listed below.

The main focus of this all is to share that everyone has their good an bad days. Something small to some could be life defining to others. Take time for yourself and others, mental health is so important in and out of the workplace.

It's okay not to be okay, Speak out.

Emma Harrison BA Hons QTS

Online & in-person Tutor for French & ESOL/ ESOL Lecturer/ Helping children and adults develop confidence and ability | DBS Certified | 07554 927668

5 年

Hi, Suzi!

Melvyn Goulding

Sales Manager at Absolute Carbon Filters Ltd

5 年

Well said, we all can't and aren't perfect.

Katherine Denham

Business Support Manager at Human Capital Ventures

6 年

This is a great write up. I’ve suffered for as long as I can remember and only in recent years found out that I have BPD, which explains so much in terms of how I haven’t coped over the years. The workplace has not been supportive to me in general, sadly due to lack of understanding and support. It can leave you feeling entirely misunderstood in every aspect. Hence I now work for myself, I don’t involve my self in anything that will cause distress. Great to see people writing about it and speaking out ??

Amanda Akien

Writing what AI won't and can't ... Freelance Journalist & Founder of Moo Marketing Copy - where creative content & mindful marketing meet. Copywriting | Articles | Ghostwriting

6 年

Great blog Josh and some good suggestions


