Sometimes it's the imperfections...
Andy Hollander
Revenue Leader | Creative & Collaborative | Growth Strategist | Sales, Marketing, & Communications Professional
My wife and I embarked on many projects during the start of the pandemic and the one thing that really helped us, as we strived to understand what to make of all that was happening during that time, was that we made a quilt.
The quilt represented things that we loved; the outdoors, traveling, future goals and aspirations, and (of course) our love of fat bears.
This quilt is far from perfect as it is rough cut, my sewing on it was probably as good as my Boy Scout sewing merit badge days (yes, I earned that but that's really not saying much), and there are places where threads are still "unruly". Needless to say, the parts of the quilt that I sewed are pretty apparent.
The thing that I enjoyed the most about this project was building the scene and making trees, bears, ducks, and fish that we appliquéd on. We had just come off of a Christmas where we made all of our own ornaments made from felt so I felt pretty confident in those skills (maybe overconfident in some ways ??). Using bits of fabrics and just a whim, I cut duck bills, animal bodies, and layers of tree that, when stitched together, made an image of something that we loved.
The quilt is not perfect. But it is - exactly how it is, imperfectly perfect.
Just like me.
This is the start of a "journal" that I am beginning to write as a sort of reflection that I hope will be uplifting for you as much as it is introspective for me.
Leave comments and if we are not yet connected - let's get connected!
Be well, much love, and always #behuman