Sometimes It's Hard For Me To Put These Words Together "I Love You"

Sometimes It's Hard For Me To Put These Words Together

"I Love You"

Sometimes it's hard for me to tell you how much
I love you.
It's hard for me to put the words together.
It's hard to say just how beautiful you are to me.
My mouth goes dry and my legs get weak.
Sometimes when I look at you I become overtaken
with emotion.
And even after all this time it still happens.
I want to tell you what's on my mind but
when I try I freeze.

Please don't ever think I don't love you.
I love you more than words can say.
Just because I don't always say it doesn't mean
I don't feel it.
I love you with my very heart and soul.
You've truly touched my life.
Your love has made me whole.
With all this love I feel inside me you would think
it would be easy for me to tell you.
But each time you take my breath away it gets hard
for me to speak.

I hope you can understand just how deep my love
is for you.
Even though I don't always have the words to express it,
please don't ever forget it.
I love you.


