Sometimes I wonder...
Good (please insert time of reading here Morning, midday, noon, mid-afternoon, end of work day, dinner time, early evening, late evening) and thank you for taking a moment to stop by. I cannot tell you (insert your name here) how glad I am that you were able to to take time away and stop by. I know you are extremely busy (insert your job, role or future profession here) and your time is extremely valuable so let me get right to the point.
First off I don’t have a point that is completely relevant to your situation because I don’t know what your situation is. But let’s talk about a generic problem, and if it applies to you, we can continue onward and upward from there. Let’s consider the beginning first if that is ok. What begins as a single device rapidly expands like a warren teeming with rabbits. Do you agree with that? Or are you someone that has eschewed all technology and instead sits happily by a campfire singing camp songs?
Oh wait, I don’t mean to offend, there is nothing wrong with campfires and with camp songs.
Perhaps you disagree with my linking devices and rabbits. Let’s instead call it a colony of ants. Not the one that has invaded your house, that one is frustrating and annoying. Rather the colony of ants that have invaded the neighbor’s house. You commiserate with them about the ants, but you are glad the little bugs are not in your house. Better you than me you think, but never say that out loud.
I guess what I am trying to say, if I had known in the first place, is that what is coming is huge. What we see now, what we have in front of us now is ever changing. In that process of changing, and thank again for taking time to listen, are we ready?
Sometimes we just have to ask, right?
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found value in what I had to say.
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