Sometimes I share...
A friend wrote this a few months back and I shared it then... but I believe it is even more important today... so I had to share it again.
"I often feel that a day in real estate i spent getting ducks in a row, herding cats and waving my arms at things I will never reach. There are far too many things we cannot control, but they impact our day to day success so often.
The reality is deals fall apart every day. The reasons make up a very lengthy list, little of which we have direct control of.
But there is so much more we cannot control. What about these items...
So as these things happen we tear out our hair in frustration, let it stress us out and watch it ruin far too many days. But why? WE CANNOT CONTROL THESE THINGS!
Things happen to us that we have no control over... but letting them get to us is a mistake. What we need to focus on are the things we can control. We can...
I could go on with the list but you get the point. Remember, your attitude matters, and it impacts your clients and peers view of you. So focusing on things you don't control will have an impact, but one that you cannot change.
A good friend once said to me "incompetents will be incompetent, stupid people will be stupid, and lazy people will be lazy... what can you do about it?" He was and is so correct in that statement. When you are in real estate you will deal with some great people, others not so great.?
So I have a few suggestions... the main one being have a long memory. If you have had bad experiences with certain lenders, inspectors or agents in the past, don't expect them to be better this time around. But you can control this by suggesting clients do not use certain vendors, and preparing yourself to deal with certain agents. If you have a listing with multiple offers, recommend your client try to put a deal together with an agent that is a pleasure to work with.
If you don't know anything about an individual look into them before they have a chance to become a problem. Look at reviews, talk to other agents who have used them or done business with them... do your homework.
Lastly, focus on yourself, your work and do what you need to do at a very high client focused level. Run your business the right way, treat others the way they should be treated and don't let them get to you. Control what you can and that is all you can do."