Sometimes I get a bad feeling.....
I am not sure if it is just me or not but sometimes I get a bad feeling. I feel yuck and wonder if I am on the right track with my business and in fact my life. (Reminder: we all can't see the forest for the tree's) When I start feeling like this I am reminded of sacred listening.
Listening is the key (The feeling is sending me a clear message)
Sacred listening is the key to saving time and lowering stress - it also helps me to become more self-aware.
Questions to self;
How quickly am I to judge, or to jump in with my opinions and advice?
How focused am I on my answers and own agenda?
Sometimes I notice that we all don’t really listen to the meaning, just to the words.
Sacred listening teaches you to overcome all that and listen with your heart, to understand their perspectives, to be compassionate and more open-minded.
Once I became connected, I saw people in a whole different way.
I sat at our local shopping centre and watched the world go by. To my shock, most people live an existence of not being aware of each other.
They are in their own little worlds, paying no attention to what is going on around them.
The people in the shopping centre were colourless. Every now and again a connected person would come by and they were like a bright and shiny rainbow.
The connected person cared and interacted with others.
When the checkout operator asked the question “how are you today?” they answered with genuine interest and engaged in a conversation.
They saw the person in the job rather than the job and they took the time to make contact.
They showed the person respect by answering the question with interest and by returning the interaction.
The process of going through the checkout didn’t take very long, but was far more enjoyable for both.
To stay connected and to live in the moment is not easy, but those who do are easy to spot.
They stand out clearly and their eyes shine with the excitement of life. I am often caught up in my own world. When I take the time and make an effort with people it is the sunlight for my inner self. It needs the connection to grow.
Look people in the eye and allow them time to tell you their story. It just might be exactly what you need to know today. It was certainly what I needed.
In fact last night I took my teenaged son for a driving lesson and I was reminded of my most important role in life: Mum