"Sometimes it helps to be a little deaf"
If you believe what the media has been reporting about The White House lately (and it’s hard not to) there’s a lot of lying going on in Washington. And there may be a lot more to come. Isn’t it ironic that one of the greatest truth finders of our time will be watching it all from a bench too far? Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), ‘lying in state’ are words of sadness.
Whenever a new US Supreme Court Justice is confirmed s/he will no doubt quickly make a supreme impact on the world. In a time of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity policy makers are facing decisions which call for new ways of thinking in response to our new ways of being. S/he will have a difficult job to do. Navigating in these times will continue to be tough for everyone and there will be many appeals to the supreme court – in search of truth.
These days while people go to their corners and get ready to disagree on what can be very important conversations, it might be wise for us to practice something RGB taught us. When asked about keys to success in life, she once said, “Every now and then it helps to be a little deaf.” She seemed to be speaking about more than just family relationships. She may have been foreshadowing the growing need for tolerance in society and the value of self reflection rather than instantly voicing dissent.
Together with her colleagues, RGB left the world a rule book for the bigger questions, the more important moments, the ones with right and wrong answers. Alas our world is full of smaller questions and many more casual moments with less definitive answers. And they sometimes seem to be full of lies. Many of society’s conversations these days could be de-escalated by each of us being more tolerant of other perspectives, by more turning of a cheek, and as Ruth suggested, by being a little deaf from time to time